“That’s how I could find where you were in the garden just now,” Zoe explained.

“A truly special gift,” Cassia said, her voice softening, “just for you.”

Lio nodded. After Zoe’s human family had left to get provisions for her and the other children, never to return, it was no wonder she was struck with fear every time someone she loved walked out the door, even if they were only going as far as the next room. He wanted her to know her family was always within reach now and that she had the power to reach for them.

“Some children are scared of the Gifting, but not me,” Zoe said with a hint of pride. “When Mama, Papa, and Lio explained how it works, I knew I wanted to be a Hesperine so I would be strong enough to take care of everyone. I told them I was ready for the Gift, and they mustn’t talk me out of it.”

“Zoe was very mature about her decision,” Lio praised her.

“I don’t know why anyone would be scared,” Zoe said. “Mama and Papa gave me my first Drink, and Lio stayed with us the whole night.”

“What did your Gifting feel like?” Cassia finally ventured to ask.

Zoe became solemn with thought. “I didn’t feel hungry anymore. I felt full for the first time, well, ever.”

Lio pulled his little sister and his Grace close. Cassia rested her face on the top of Zoe’s head, looking at him. He saw no fear in her eyes now, only the solace of the present overtaking the shadows of the past.


Cassia’s expression made Liosmile. He could remember when she never showed her true emotions on her face, much less spoke of them aloud. He remembered when she had allowed herself no emotion. Now that she had flung open the floodgates of her heart, it seemed she had a hard time shutting them again, even when she wanted to.

She planted a kiss upon Zoe’s hair. Zoe swung her feet, happiness peeking through her aura.

Lio sat back and fished in his scroll case. On the end of the bench, he set out a quill, ink, and some scraps of paper. He sketched a simple glyph in the shape of a moonflower, then scrawled the time under it.

Cassia peered over Zoe and around Lio’s shoulder. “What is your brother up to?”

“He’s writing to his Trial circle in code.” Zoe crossed her arms. “Bosko and I are going to come up with a code, too.”

Lio grinned to himself and paused to make a rough sketch of a goat, which he handed to Zoe. She giggled. He drew two more little goats dancing around the moonflower, then folded the note and addressed it to Mak and Lyros, Telemakhos Residence, House Argyros. He jotted the same note three more times for Kia, Nodora, and Xandra.

Cassia watched with the utmost curiosity as he tossed a red-and-white, flashing spell light above the bench. A mere moment later, a barefoot Hesperine youth appeared before them in a simple runner’s tunic with a red-and-white sash.

“Cassia, may I introduce you to the Queens’ Couriers,” Lio said, “an honorable circle of uninitiated Hesperines who serve Orthros while completing their educations.”

The courier drew herself up. “How can I help you, Firstgift Komnenos?”

He handed her the notes. “Please deliver these within a quarter of an hour.”

An impish smile appeared on her face. “It’ll be eight minutes, Firstgift, for I aim to beat my best speed from last week.”

“Five notes in eight minutes! You are fast.” Lio tossed her a tin of gumsweets.

She caught them, bowed, then stepped out of sight.

“I told Bosko he should become a courier,” Zoe said. “He learned stepping so fast. He would get to go all over the city helping people. But all he likes is fighting. He says he hopes he gets warding magic like Mak.”

“You learned stepping fast, too,” Lio reminded her. “It won’t be long before you can travel farther than from room to room in our House. If you ever wanted to be a courier, you would make an excellent one.”

Wistfulness uncoiled in Zoe’s aura, but she shook her head, pulling her mantle closer around her head. “I won’t have time to be a courier. I’ll be too busy learning my magic with animals, when it comes in.”

“Well, I will tip you with gumsweets for being an excellent sister. Come on, there’s a new tin for you on my desk.”

Zoe’s frown disappeared, and she hopped off the bench. Lio and Cassia each took one of her hands and set off through the garden, followed by the goats and Knight.

A vision stole over Lio of many future nights here with children’s hands in his and Cassia’s. Young laughter and voices filling the silent garden. A home full of their younger siblings—and their own children.

When Cassia was ready to think about it, he would ask her if she ever saw that same vision, if she longed for it as he did.