The Semna patted her hand. “No need to explain, my dear. Your predicament was quite clear. When I sensed his aura headed in this direction, I suspected where he was going and why.”
“I cannot thank you enough.”
“Thankyou, my dear. You were Kyria’s bird of mercy tonight, and I praised her as I listened to you sing.”
Pakhne turned smiling eyes on Cassia, instead of the cold shoulder she had once shown at the Autumn Greeting. “My sister Nivalis’s reports of you from Lady Hadrian’s weaving room did not do you justice. You are a true representative of Kyria.”
Benedict drew near, a rare smile on his face. “We need no temple canary, Your Ladyship. The Tenebran thrush will always sound sweeter to our ears.”
Lord Gaius nodded in approval. “And she can out-sing him.”
The Tenebrans left Chrysanthoswith only one escape route. Little did they know it was the arch Lio occupied. As the mage came within a finger’s breadth of him, Lio bared his fangs. Chrysanthos’s step faltered, and he cast a glance over his shoulder.
That was all the satisfaction Lio could allow himself. Biting back a snarl and his Gift, he let the mage pass.
A few paces down the gallery, Mak fell into step behind Chrysanthos. Lio’s cousin shook with silent laughter and gestured at his teeth with a scolding look. Lio waved to him. He knew he needed to put his fangs back in his head. Later he would need a round at the gymnasium, preferably with a punching bag no one would ever need again.
Lio tried to be patient, waiting at the edge of the courtyard while the Tenebrans fussed over Cassia. Her victory was written in their every reassurance. She was stealing Chrysanthos’s pieces, indeed. Already the Summit was proceeding more favorably than they had hoped.
But Lio found himself more and more on edge each time she smiled at Lord Gaius or expressed her appreciation for Callen. When she took Benedict’s arm, it was not to hold him at arm’s length. She was at ease with him. She let him show her back to her room with the Semna on his other arm as escort.
Goddess, I am jealous,Lio admitted.
This was nonsense. He should feel nothing but admiration as he watched Cassia’s influence grow. He should not feel as if Benedict were pulling her away, deeper into the human world, as they disappeared behind the curtains into her room.
Cassia was surprised, butvery glad when Perita invaded the gathering of guests in her room. Perita wielded her undeniable authority as a handmaiden to banish everyone, all but carrying the Semna out on a pillow and shooing the menfolk off to escort the elder. Callen was the last to go, after using a kiss to extract a promise from his wife that she wouldn’t be long.
“Perita, you didn’t have to get out of bed,” Cassia said.
“Callen said you asked for me.”
“I askedafteryou. I think he was right to come alone to face Chrysanthos. Just as I said earlier, I can undress myself.”
“Nonsense. I should have come to give that mage a piece of my mind.” Perita scowled, brandishing Cassia’s hairbrush.
Cassia bit back a smile and readied herself for one of Perita’s tirades. Whatever insults her friend hurled at the mage, they were sure to be satisfying to listen to.
But Perita’s rumbling did not turn into a storm. She fell into gloomy silence.
Cassia had never given up on any endeavor. She was certainly not going to be defeated by Perita’s silence. It was time to find out once and for all what was bothering her friend since they had come to Orthros, besides the general fears she shared with the other Tenebrans.
Cassia took her friend’s hands. “Perita, please tell me what’s bothering you. If it’s something I’ve done, I will do anything to mend it.”
Perita’s eyes widened, and for a moment, it seemed as if she might speak.
But no sooner had she parted her lips, than she snatched her hand back and covered her mouth. She turned away and dashed for the privy.
Cassia hesitated. Did Perita want her to follow? The sound of her friend heaving made her wince. That settled it. No one wanted to be sick alone.
She joined Perita in the privy and soaked one of the Hesperines’ soft cotton cloths in warm water before kneeling beside her friend. Perita hunched over the waste bench, her face turned aside. But when Cassia put the cloth to her friend’s forehead, Perita did not push her away.
When Perita was done, she took the cloth from Cassia and washed her face. “Thank you, my lady.”
“Oh, Perita. On the voyage from Waystar to Selas, you weren’t really seasick, were you?”