Lio covered his face in his hand.

Cassia grinned. “Perhaps I will conspire with her to learn all the secrets you haven’t told me yet.”

Lio gave Cassia a bemused smile from between his fingers. “You are already the master of all my secrets.”

“Oh, I beg to differ.” She brushed her lips across his knuckles. “I think I have only just begun to explore you, mind mage. But how I enjoy the thrill of discovery.”

He lowered his hand, and she moved in for a kiss. He opened his mouth for her and breathed a sigh.

The sound of footsteps drew nearer, and Cassia let Lio go before the prince came back into sight. She could hear Apollon moving about on the other side of the workshop.

Rudhira drew closer. “A quick word before Apollon rejoins us. I regret that you are embroiled in the…discussion…between my sister and me. But as you are already deeply involved, I’d best provide you with all the context I can. You should know that Kona’s voice is the strongest in all the discussions about the Departure within the royal family.”

“We were going to warn you about that,” Lio said.

Cassia nodded. “She declared that she will ensure the Departure comes to pass.”

“She has said as much to me.” Rudhira looked away.

Cassia tried to imagine the pain of a beloved sibling setting herself against your life’s work. But she did not have to imagine the pain of losing a sibling.

Before she could say anything more, Apollon returned. Rudhira beckoned to them, and they gathered once more around the table.

He reached into a satchel at his belt and set a canvas bag before them. “You all need to hear this. Apollon, I want you to hover over the mages for us in my absence.”

“You leave too much of the enjoyment to me.” Apollon took a seat on his stool.

Lio’s hand tightened on Cassia’s. “You learned something about the goblet?”

“Yes and no.” Rudhira pulled the wine cup out of the bag and stood the vessel on the worktable.

Cassia began to feel she could fill a gallery with evidence of her father’s attempts to do away with her. The wine goblet would not look very dramatic next to her sister’s Greeting dress and a heart hunter’s crossbow.

Rudhira frowned at the goblet. “This is one of the most worrisome artifacts that has ever come my way. I can make nothing of it.”

“How dangerous is it?” Lio asked.

“It isn’t. I cannot understand what they intended, which is what troubles me.”

“Do you mean to say they did not try to poison me?” Cassia asked.

“Tell me what you make of this,” Rudhira answered. “The traces left on the goblet indicate that the wine was treated with a powerful but benign alchemical infusion, one I have prepared countless times myself. I believe mages refer to it as Apprentice’s Toddy, but healers in Orthros call it Teething Tonic.”

“That makes no sense,” Lio protested.

“Hm,” Apollon said. “I have never heard of a Gift Collector confusing his poisons and tonics.”

“Tonics are all we’ve allowed him to keep with him,” Lio said, “but why would he try to give one to Cassia?”

“I’m hardly teething.” Cassia put on a smile, showing her mundane mortal canines. “What does this infusion do?”

“It is a remedy for sucklings or young mages whose magic has begun to manifest,” Rudhira replied. “The infusion helps with the discomfort and anxiety that sometimes accompany blooms of power. You might say it is a treatment for magical growing pains.”

All three of the Hesperines looked at Cassia. She carefully avoided Apollon’s gaze, but could not escape Rudhira and Lio’s scrutiny. The magic in the room waxed so full she broke out in a sweat.

“Well?” she asked. “Have the gods suddenly knocked me on the head and made me a mage since the last time a Hesperine sensed my aura?”

Rudhira shook his head. “I can’t get past your Sanctuary ward.”