Konstantina led them through a side door and back out into the garden, and Cassia looked over her shoulder to assess their audience. Not only Benedict, Callen, and Perita, but also the Semna, her attendants, Lord Gaius, and Tychon strolled in their wake.

Unseen light and imperceptible warmth seemed to surround Cassia, and she glanced around her to see if perhaps the Queens had decided to join them. But her gaze landed only on Konstantina.

The princess smiled. “I have veiled us. We may speak freely.”

Cassia studied the flowers they passed. “I understand you are the Royal Master Rose Gardener.”

“The royal rose garden here at my residence is my gift to Orthros. You may like to know it is open to any who wish to visit.”

“It is magnificent, Second Princess. How your roses thrive under your light magic! I’m told you invented many of the spells that make it possible for all the beautiful plants in Selas to grow.”

“The application of light spells to horticulture is one my areas of magical research.”

“You are a light mage like Annassa Alea and a mind healer like Annassa Soteira, is that right? The insight into people that your theramancy provides must be an asset to you as a magistrate.”

Konstantina regarded Cassia. “Theramancy is indeed beneficial when applied to law. Just laws are those that mandate the best in our natures and protect us from the worst, and a just mediator must understand the difference.”

“I have heard so much about your great contributions to your people. Allow me to express my admiration.”

Konstantina’s countenance was as dignified as ever, but there was an unmistakable gleam in her eyes. Amusement. “You come armed with many compliments tonight.”

Cassia swallowed her dismay. If a laugh was all her efforts earned from Konstantina, she must do better. “I assure you I am most sincere, Second Princess.”

“I can see that.” There was kindness in the princess’s gaze, too.

“I believe you are too committed to upholding truth to tolerate flattery.”

“I accept it only from those who flatter me with the knowledge that we are both too smart to believe it. Argyros taught his student well. Lio brings compliments to parties like the right wine for the occasion. Taste without substance, but we must all equip our props for our roles.”

“The truth is never flattery. No one can disregard your eminence among Hesperines.”

“You are ready to confront the full force of my eminence, I can see. Stand down, Lady Cassia. I brought you out here to show you my flowers.”

They turned a corner in the path, and Cassia saw that they had lost their caravan entirely. She and Knight were alone with the princess, surrounded by rose hedges too tall to see over.

Konstantina slowed her march to a stroll. “There now.”

“Did you and Lio have this planned, Second Princess?”

“My plans do not require the assistance of youngbloods, but I am certain he will catch on and occupy the others with a few mental adjustments.”

They turned another corner, and there before Cassia was the largest glass structure she had ever seen. Rods and curls of wrought iron framed enormous plates of transparent glass. Through the foggy panes, Cassia caught glimpses of more roses.

“You may gasp in delight aloud, you know,” said the princess. “Your rose-fearing countrymen will not overhear.”

“When I first heard of the existence of greenhouses, I longed to set foot in one,” Cassia confessed.

“Many rose varieties can thrive outdoors in my garden because, as you can imagine, my mother Alea’s Sanctuary magic is most concentrated here at House Annassa. The plants that require more shelter and care, I keep in here.”

The princess hesitated with her hand on the door, contemplating Knight. He sat poised on his haunches, clearly longing to leap up and go to her. He gave her his most pitiful begging gaze.

“Does he have a habit of digging?” she asked.

Cassia shook her head. “He is a most excellent gardening companion.”

“Very well. He may come in with us. Don’t linger in the doorway, lest we upset the temperature balance.”

His tail wagged his whole body as the princess opened the door. Despite his excitement, he heeled beautifully. Cassia hurried inside behind Konstantina.