She met the mage’s gaze, donning her most devout expression. “Have you heard ‘The Tale of the Cruel Bailiff and the Kind Bailiff’?”

“Where I come from, we call it ‘The Tale of the Cruel Inquisitor and the Kind Inquisitor.’ Together the two of them extract confessions from heretics at record speed.”

“Shall we play a game, Honored Master?”

“I would be delighted to join you at the board, Basilis.”


Cassia was wearing theroyal colors of Orthros. A bold and risky move. Lio struggled not to give her a bold and risky look in front of the rest of the embassy.

He escorted her through the black iron gate of Konstantina’s residence and along the paths of glistening white quartz that led to the Second Princess’s private entrance to House Annassa. Cassia looked like she belonged here. She was radiant in gentle white, with bold statements of black at her slim waist and small hands and upon her long, ash brown hair. Knight paraded beside her in a ceremonial gait, as close as he could be, but never touching her skirts.

“May I, as a diplomat, express how moved I am by your attire, Lady Cassia? Such a statement gives me hope for peace.”

“You are very kind, Ambassador. How happy I am to know my gesture is taken as I intended it.”

No Hesperine could mistake her meaning. He could only pray Chrysanthos had. Lio shot her a worried glance, but Cassia’s reply was a sly smile.

At intervals along the path stood members of the Prince’s Charge who served as Konstantina’s bodyguards tonight. The Hesperines errant observed the embassy’s progress with courteous expressions and watchful gazes. Rudhira’s love for his sister was writ large in the obvious presence of his warriors throughout her garden, and her disapproval was writ large in her powerful aura looming ahead of Lio and the embassy.

The royal rose garden engulfed them, and he heard the mortals gasp. Lio listened to Cassia breathe fast and deep. She turned in a circle, taking in the roses of every color and variety.

Lord Gaius sniffed a vine of bright pink blossoms climbing a trellis beside the path. The hardened warrior smiled to himself. “These beg to be a wreath upon a lady’s hair.”

Lord Adrogan drew a red bloom close to his face. “The women of Tenebra would pay a king’s ransom for scent oils from this flower.”

Benedict stared into the depths of a buttery yellow rose as if mesmerized. “What wonder of Kyria’s handiwork is this?”

“Not Kyria’s at all.” Eudias put his hands in his sleeves and nodded to the Semna. “Begging your pardon.”

“There is no pardon to beg, young man,” she replied. “We have nothing to do with these.”

Only the mages of Chera seemed to disregard the situation. The two women were wrapped in concealing spells that hid their thoughts as thoroughly as their robes obscured their hair, faces, and bodies from head to toe.

Eudias cleared his throat. “These are roses. Hespera’s sacred flower.”

“Harlot’s kiss?” Benedict recoiled, giving his hand a shake. There was a drop of blood on his finger where a thorn had pricked him. He held his wounded hand away from him, casting nervous glances at every nearby Hesperine.

The Semna gave him a disapproving glance from beneath her hood. Her attendants glanced away, little gasps fluttering their veils.

Benedict bowed. “I ask the forgiveness of all ladies present. That is a vulgar expression.”

Lord Adrogan snorted. “But that’s what the flower is called in Tenebra.”

“You saw them at Rose House,” Eudias pointed out to Benedict, “in the courtyard and in pots inside.”

“I thought her ladyship’s guest house was named for the window! The flowers look nothing like that symbol.”

“Old wild roses have five petals,” Eudias explained. “These are cultivated varieties of garden roses with a more elaborate appearance.”

Lord Gaius shook his head. “I can’t say I’ve ever seen one in the wild or a garden in all my long years.”

Lord Adrogan eyed Eudias. “How do you know so much about them?”

“From books,” the apprentice answered.

Tychon looked upon the roses with disdain. “Identifying signs of Hespera’s influence is an essential part of the education of all mages of Anthros.”