“I’d best go work on getting ready for him. It will take me the rest of the week to make sure everything is just so.”

“Princess, before you depart, would you be so generous as to answer a question for me in return?”


“Does your family have royal colors?”

“Yes indeed. Black and white, naturally.”

“Thank you. That will help me get ready to assist your family in making a statement this week.”

The princess smiled. “I’m so glad we got to talk before all the official introductions. I wanted us to have a chance for good first impressions. I think we actually have a great deal in common.”

“It’s been a pleasure,” Cassia said honestly. How could the princess worry about what sort of impression she made on anyone?

The princess gave Knight one more rub behind the ears. “And you are a wonderful dog. Not everyone sees my mothers in me, you know.”

There was the answer to Cassia’s question, perhaps.

With that, the princess turned and walked away, and the star moths swarmed up from the ferns to follow her.


Cassia hurried back inside,but there was no need for her haste. Perita had not arrived to catch her lady fraternizing with Hesperines. Cassia smiled to herself. Her friend was probably stealing a moment longer to relax in silk sheets with the one she loved.

Cassia had taken care of her and Knight’s necessities, put on his unnecessary bandages, and even managed to get herself mostly dressed by the time her handmaiden bustled in.

When Perita saw the gown, her frenzy calmed somewhat. “That’s a nice choice, my lady.”

“Solia loved this dress. She said it reminded her of daisies. Please tell me, would my black gloves set it off nicely? I think I have a belt and headdress to match those, don’t I?”

Perita nodded as she checked and adjusted Cassia’s attire from head to toe.

“Thank you,” Cassia said. “At the welcoming ceremony, I overheard someone mention black and white are Orthros’s royal colors. I thought this would be a gesture of goodwill, but I could not feel confident in my choice until I had your opinion.”

“A fine idea, my lady.”

Satisfied she had left her friend enough to do to save face, Cassia watched Perita work. Although Perita chatted like always, her smiles were fleeting, and she concentrated intensely on her duties. She looked too pale for someone who had left her new husband a few moments ago.

“Perita, are you feeling all right?”

“As well as any of us feel, I’m sure, my lady.”

“Your seasickness didn’t follow you ashore, did it?”

“Of course not. It’s just wretched cold here, is all.”

“Why don’t we close the courtyard door?”

“As you like, my lady.”

Cassia dropped several more hints about cold weather and warm beds. Perita did not take any of those opportunities to complain she wasn’t well or suggest she and Callen were enjoying themselves. She remained utterly focused on her work.

Cassia praised the results as always, trying to keep the worry out of her voice. When they joined Callen and Eudias in the hall, she gave up on her questions, lest she embarrass her friend in front of the men. Perita was silent all the way to the New Guest House.

When they entered the courtyard there, hushed, familiar voices drifted from somewhere in the greenery.

“You really didn’t take any?” asked Lord Adrogan. “Not even a morsel?”