He cleared his throat. “The women used their magic from Kyria to cultivate Akanthia, the world Hespera had given them with Demergos and his family’s help. The seven humans cooperated and made everything prosper. When Kyria visited in secret, she shared in their happiness.

“But after Kyria’s rebellion, Anthros remained suspicious of his wife, and he sent their son Aetos, his winged messenger, to follow her. Hespera’s thorny plants prevented Aetos from entering the world, but he evaded her fanged animals long enough to spy on the women. He reported back to Anthros all that Hespera and the other gods had done for Kyria’s daughters.

“Anthros wanted to go and destroy the women and their world, but Hypnos advised against inciting war with Hespera, Demergos, Chera, and perhaps even Kyria. Fearful of losing his wife’s loyalty forever, Anthros heeded his brother and agreed to Hypnos’s devious plan.

“As Kyria had done, Anthros created his own children. He forged seven sons and breathed life into them. But he did not give them his divine powers. He made them mortal, with only just enough strength and magic to fulfill his commands. He ordered them to go into the women’s world and conquer it for him. He promised that if they succeeded, he would elevate them to a place of honor in his Hall, where their spirits would dwell in glory forever. But any who failed, he would give to Hypnos as payment for the death god’s assistance.

“The men did as their father god bade them and went to Akanthia. They claimed they were fleeing Anthros’s anger and begged for entry past the gargoyles and through the thorns. The women welcomed them and showed them how to cultivate the world. They were pleased with the men’s strength and magic and rejoiced in their company. The men began to doubt what Anthros had told them, for the women and their world were beautiful and good.

“The women urged the men to ask Hespera for her blood, so they too could have heartbeats and grow stronger in magic. The men agreed, and they petitioned the goddess, who gladly gave of her power to them.

“Still it grieved Hespera that Anthros had robbed the women of their mother goddess’s power and that he would never give the men he had made the power of gods. She resolved she would eventually find a way to restore the humans’ true power.

“The fourteen humans lived long, happy lives. When the magic of Hespera’s first gift of blood was eventually spent, they went to live in Sanctuary. Some of them left behind children who inherited Akanthia. We are all heirs to that gift.”

“But now we have the Goddess’s Gift that never runs out,” Zoe said. “I bet there’s another story, the one where Hespera keeps her promise to give back the people’s true powers.”

“You are a very wise girl.”

“That’s why she made Hesperines, isn’t it? She kept her promise the night Annassa Alea and Papa Anastasios and the other great mages did the first Ritual!”

“And here we are, full of our rightful power and safe in the world she gave to us.”

Zoe’s eyes slid shut, and she fell asleep with her hand resting on Cassia’s bracelet.

In the silence that followed, Cassia was alone with Apollon.

She stroked the child’s hair and tried to find something to say. “Why did men change their minds about women?”

“Many of us never did.”

“I’m sorry. I’ve known so many who heeded Anthros.”

“You don’t have anything to apologize for. There is no need to tell me the story of where your fears came from.”

He knew. She could find all the right words, but try as she might, she could not hide how she felt from the Blood Union, especially not with Elder Firstblood Apollon. Not with Lio and Zoe’s father.

His kind words were an invitation to speak. But his kindness only drove the words she didn’t want to say farther down inside her. The silence stretched on.

“Thorns. Did I miss bedtime stories?” The sound of Lio’s voice relieved her misery.

He folded himself down to peer inside Zoe’s cave. His gaze fixed on her and Cassia, and an expression of utter tenderness came over his face. Cassia may have known many who heeded Anthros, but the one she knew best was all Hespera’s.


Nights Until



Early moon hours laida chilly hush over Rose House as meditative as any predawn. Cassia detained Lio at her door and gave him one more kiss, taking one more taste of coffee and cassia rolls.

He smiled against her mouth. “I’m glad we had time for breakfast.”

“Mmm. So am I.” She smoothed his silken black hair, tucking his braid behind his ear. “And time after breakfast to spend with Zoe. I approve of this new schedule. From now on you must always wake me well before first moon.”

“Since Chrysanthos intends to make his councils a regular occurrence, we will have to get an early start.”