But for a few moments before that, Cassia had believed herself cornered. She’d had to listen to her kidnappers describe their master’s perverse plans for her.

Neither Lio nor Cassia would ever forget Martyr’s Pass.

Lio unclenched his jaw. “He demanded Cassia from the king as payment for his work. He charges for his services in women. I want to know his name.”

“So do Lyta and I, but we suspect it is erased from history already. The Order of Hypnos does not tolerate failure by one of their own. Their Order most likely punished the mage of dreams before the snow settled in Martyr’s Pass. Skleros is probably gloating at the thought that he has outperformed—and outlived—his fellow mage of Hypnos.”

“Skleros certainly had no qualms about murdering six necromancers from his own Order, as Cassia told us. Having bested another rival, might he regard Cassia as a victory prize from the fallen mage of dreams? Could that be why the Gift Collector is targeting her?”

“His motive may not be so personal. He may only have acted because of his uncanny alliance with the Dexion. He is most likely assisting Chrysanthos against her because she stands in their way.”

She had drawn the Orders’ gaze, and they didn’t even know she was a traitor, saboteur, and Hesperine sympathizer. Lio’s fangs unsheathed a measure. “There are already too many mages endangering her. We must be absolutely certain the mage of dreams is no longer a threat.”

“The Charge will make sure. Cassia’s enemies are our enemies.” Rudhira pulled on one of his gauntlets. “I hope you have told her the truth of my bond of gratitude to the two of you. I will never forget that your efforts to secure peace have given us hope of avoiding the Departure.”

“Yes, I told her. It came as a blow to her that our people would consider leaving Tenebra permanently. After what Hesperines errant did for her, she will stop at nothing to make sure you can continue performing the Goddess’s mercies in Tenebra.”

Rudhira fastened his other gauntlet and studied Lio. “What you haven’t told her is the truth of what she means to you.”

Lio cleared his throat. “So much for my mental defenses.”

“Your mental defenses are the very best,” Rudhira reassured Lio.

“But your intuition is better.”

“I should hope so, after centuries of training from my mother Soteira in the ancient Imperial tradition of mind healing.”

“No,” Lio conceded. “I have not told Cassia she is…everything to me.”

“Ah, the cherished tradition of dancing around the subject and coming up with quaint euphemisms to describe eternal addiction to one another.”

“I think times must have been much simpler when the Queens decreed that any public, verbal acknowledgment of the Grace bond counts as avowal.”

“Much simpler.” Rudhira’s gaze became distant again, then sharpened on Lio. “Don’t complicate things between you and Cassia. It is always better to deal straightly with others—especially in love.”

“Thank you for your wisdom.”

Rudhira sighed. “I wouldn’t call it wisdom, after making it to my age without swapping braids.”

Lio raised a brow. “You are undeniably qualified to offer advice about women.”

Amusement glinted in Rudhira’s eyes. “Tell her as soon as you can.”

“She landed in Selas only last night. It’s still a little soon to spring it on her that my life depends on her, don’t you think?”

“You endured separation for half a year. You have saved countless lives together. If numbers are what will convince you she is ready for the truth, then you must see your bond with her is well advanced.”

“No, that’s not what I’m waiting on. I want to give her time to choose.”

Rudhira raised a brow. “You cannot really doubt you are her choice.”

“Time to choose Orthros,” Lio explained, “for herself, not for my sake. When she is confident the future she envisions for herself is here, then I will tell her how much I need her. Our bond is a heavy responsibility.”

“And a great joy.”

“Of course. But she has lived under a tyrant’s thumb her whole life. I will not let our love be tainted by any sense of obligation to stay.”

Rudhira was silent a moment, as if he left something unsaid. “Cassia leaps at every opportunity to protect a Hesperine’s life. This time, that life is yours. Bear that in mind.”