Page 53 of Bite of the Vampire

Jasmine glanced at the others. She thought they would still go with them.

Levka smiled at her. “Naturally. We’re all for righting a wrong.”

“What about losing our estate?” Arman asked.

Angus said, “After what you did for us and saving one of our new council members, no one would dare take your estate over, unless you tell us you’re not returning for some reason. Scotty and I’ll be sure of it. Believe me, William will back us on this too. And all the council members who are newly installed. Many of the people we were able to recruit to help us only did so because we assured them that the Welsh princes would be with us in the fight.”

“Did anyone mention we had lost the last battle with an established League before that?” Levka asked.

Angus smiled. “Yeah. They knew you had experience, and you would get it done right this time. But with their help also.”

“Okay, well, we’ll be there to help keep Jasmine safe, Brett, but we’re not testifying. We’ll keep low key on the whole situation,” Levka said.

Arman agreed. Ruric was ready to testify, but Levka shook his head at him.

Caitlin said, “I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

Ruric was on his phone. “Okay, we’ve got flights out of here in four hours. Where we will the hearing be held?”

“By the old Danison Theater,” Brett said.

“Okay, I’ll make the hotel reservations for us that are close by,” Ruric said.

Levka said, “We’ll be in touch with you, Brett, when we arrive. Ruric will send us the flight schedule so we’ll all be on the same page.”

“See you tomorrow then,” Brett said. “And stay safe.”

Staying safe was really the hard part with the trouble they were always in. Stasio just hoped the flight wasn’t turbulent this time!


Stasio couldn’t believe that they had been plagued during the night by violent storms on the flight from Edinburgh to New York. Jasmine had really made him feel so much calmer. He was thankful she was there for him, and she had been glad that she had helped him out. But they were all feeling a case of jetlag when they landed. Brett was at the baggage pickup waiting for them and gave Jasmine a hug. He glanced at her companions and since Stasio was standing closest to Jasmine, he said, “You must be Stasio.” Brett shook his hand. “I’m counting on you to watch out for my sister while she’s living in Scotland.”

“Like I can’t look after myself,” Jasmine said.

Brett and Stasio smiled.

“Thanks to all of you for coming here to provide protection for Jasmine, if she needs it,” Brett said.

“She’s one of us now,” Levka said.

Stasio wasn’t sure how well that would go over with Brett since they were considered rogues.

They grabbed their bags from the baggage area and Stasio was glad that he’d been able to shop with Jasmine so she could get a bag of her own and clothes to wear before they were preparing to take down the league. Then Scotty had surprised them after they had returned from a shopping trip by dropping off Jasmine’s and Gareth’s bags from Stasio’s former castle. Gareth’s brothers had grabbed her and Gareth’s bags from their rooms when they’d left so quickly. Jasmine had been thrilled. Gareth had been too.

When they left the terminal and headed for the parking lot, Brett motioned to a limousine.

“For us?” Jasmine asked.

“Yeah. One of my hunter friends owns it and said we could borrow it.”

Jasmine laughed. “You’re our limousine driver?”

Brett put on a limo driver’s hat. “Yep. Get in. I’m taking you to the hotel where you can get some sleep. Then you’ll testify along with Gareth’s brothers and Gareth, Jasmine. Gareth’s brothers are at the hotel already. I got a first-class attorney to represent you, Gareth.”

“Oh, wonderful. Thanks, Brett,” Gareth said.

Then they entered the lobby and got their room keycards. Stasio and the others thanked Brett. “I’ll be back to pick up Gareth and his brothers and Jasmine,” Brett said, “twenty minutes before the hearing.”