Page 37 of Bite of the Vampire

Levka shook his head. “I never suspected it, though Scotty said she had known that William was caught and where he was being held.”

Stasio wondered if Scotty thought it might be a trap and that’s why he had sent the princes and their companions to free William. That they were expendable, not being Scottish themselves.

Levka said to his companions, "Scotty better not have thought this was a setup and he sent us instead of his own people in case we were caught."

“That’s just what I was thinking,” Stasio said.

“Me too,” Ruric and Arman said.

Jasmine shook her head. “If that’s true, Scotty made a mistake in not warning us.”

“I agree,” Caitlin said.

Once William was free, Levka said, "Let's go."

“Eleanor’s going with us, and we’ll turn her over to Scotty. He can learn what she has done,” Stasio said.

“Yes, exactly,” Levka said. “We’ve got to get out of here. Are you okay to fly, William?”


They hurried up the stairs and out of the cellar. Ruric slid the window on the other side of the barn open, while they considered the sleeping vampires. The dead ones had turned to dust and left only their clothes behind. Levka and the others exited through the open window so they wouldn’t alert Eleanor that they were coming for her. They were expecting her to be waiting for backup just where they’d left her outside the broken window.

“We’re going to sweep around to grab Eleanor,”Levka said telepathically to the others. They hadn’t wanted to go through the door in case she was watching it. They cloaked themselves and flew around to the other side of the barn.

Caitlin's ability to put someone to sleep had replenished itself so she could use her skill again, but it meant that the ones she put to sleep would be waking up soon too.

When they came around the barn, they didn’t find any sign of Eleanor. They should have figured she would take off, probably once she saw they had defeated the vampires guarding William.

Stasio swore. "Let's go to the SUV that she parked at that home, but quickly as I'm sure the elders will already be sending reinforcements."

Stasio suspected now she hadn’t planned to stick around to see which side won. But he was surprised reinforcements hadn't already arrived to fight them. She'd had plenty of time to call on the elders to send fighters.

Levka said to everyone in their group, "If we’re lucky, she’s at the SUV."

They flew off, listening to their fellow vampires’ heartbeats as the group made their way to the house where it had been parked. It was gone, but they could hear its engine roaring as it tore down the road away from the house.

"We have to stop her and turn her over to Scotty," Caitlin said, "but I can't see any way that we can stop her without me making her go to sleep. Then she could have an accident and kill herself."

"Can you do something to the SUV?" Jasmine asked. "Make it slow down? Stop it suddenly?"

"Maybe I could levitate it but only for a brief moment," Caitlin said. "It might weigh more than I can handle though."

"What are you?" William sounded thoroughly confused.

"One of us," Levka said.

"And?" William asked.

"A witch," Caitlin said. "I...uhm, hate to mention this, but I'm hungry."

"Hell, we have blood in the SUV. We need to get you a purse or something that you can carry on your person for a quick pick-me-up," Levka said.

"Drink from Eleanor," Stasio said. "She's the one who set us all up to be taken down."

"Okay, but not to kill her. She needs to tell Scotty what she knows and why she has done this," Arman said.

Stasio hoped Jasmine wasn't feeling like this group of vampires she'd joined could be her downfall. He saw the way she handled the vampire she'd been fighting. She was a really good fighter. Gareth would have had some competition if she'd taken him on like she'd planned to.