Page 22 of Bite of the Vampire

“She’s an assassin,” Stasio said.

“A pretty one.” Llewellyn smirked. “I don’t know. Of the four of you, I would never have thought Stasio would have fallen for an assassin. He’s a lot more…adventurous than I would have given him credit for.”

“And Caitlin, how did she end up falling in with the four of you?” Cadfael asked.

“We had to save her life,” Levka said dryly.

“Do not tell us she was human,” Cadfael said.

“And a witch,” Levka said.

Cadfael smiled. “Leave it to the four of you to manage things on your own, and one ends up with a witch and another an assassin. Come on, Llewellyn. Let’s make sure Pierre heads out of here now and doesn’t learn that our brother still lives. And you, all of you, need to leave before anyone learns you’re here.”

“Thanks, Cadfael,” Levka said.

“No problem. You’ve saved our brother more times than I can count. We all owe you.”

Cadfael and Llewellyn left then and Stasio let out his breath. “I wish we could dress like them and get away with it.”

“We would draw too much attention to ourselves,” Levka said.

“I guess we are leaving?” Arman asked.

“After dinner.” Stasio had to play out his part with Jasmine.

Arman slapped him on his back. “Stasio has a one-track mind when it comes to the assassin.”

“All right,” Levka said, and he and Arman left for their rooms and room service.

Stasio walked across the lobby to meet up with Jasmine.

“Well, I guess the hunters told you what I said.” Jasmine folded her arms. “Since you’re part of the vampire league here, I thought if they believed I was your girlfriend, I wouldn’t be in trouble for trying to eliminate Gareth.”

Stasio smiled at her and took her hand. “They said Gareth, though that wasn’t his real name, is dead. So I guess we both missed out on earning the commission.” He didn’t want to mention to her that by her calling herself his girlfriend, if the assassins of the vampire league here learned of it, she would be just as wanted as him.

“Well, as disappointed as I am, I’m glad I didn’t get in trouble with the league here, and I’m glad the hunters are chasing off Pierre and not me. Though the New York League was supposed to have gotten approval for me to hunt here.”

“Pierre antagonized them with displaying his fangs in anger. I’m glad you didn’t.”

She scoffed. “He’s an idiot for having done so.”

“I agree. What will you do now?”

“Have dinner with you? You’re buying, right?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“I guess after this, I’ll be going home, unless you want to show me a good time.”

Since the hunters had warned them to leave, Stasio knew Levka would want to do so first chance they had. Tomorrow morning at the latest.

“I was thinking, they’ve got all kinds of hiking trails out here, the beautiful beaches and you could show me all of it, since you’re from here,” Jasmine said, taking a seat at one of the booths.

“Actually, after this job, we’re leaving. Since the job is moot, I’m sure we’ll be going early.”

“That’s a shame. I was hoping you could be my guide since I wasted the money to fly all the way out here for nothing. I’ll have to take my league to task over this. They said there wouldn’t be a problem with tracking down a rogue vampire in Wales. Someone didn’t get the message that wasn’t so.”

“Rules change. You know how it is.”