Page 98 of No Rules

“Fuck,” shouts Tucker, running toward the circle.

The students move aside but keep their eyes on the fight that has just broken out. I struggle to make out what’s going on, but words fail me when I finally do. I know the two guys who are fighting each other.

Dan…and Matt. The last time I saw them together, they were ready to go for each other’s throats. And that’s what they just did.

Dan’s fist slams into Matt’s face just as Tucker steps in. He tries to control Dan, putting himself between the two guys. Matt gasps as he tries to stand right behind them. He carelessly wipes his bloody nose.

“Go calm down,” Tucker commands to Dan, a hand on his shaved head as if trying to control him.

The latter steps back, spits on the ground and walks away. “Fuck all of you,” he exclaims to the students who are watching him.

TJ comes up beside me, his mouth wide open.

Tucker then turns to Matt. “What are you doing here, you little shit? Get the hell out of here now.”

Matt laughs at the insults. Tucker looks around for Dan to make sure he has walked away.

“Got a chick you can get me, Tucker? One who spreads her legs as easily as your sister?”

Oh, fuck. He just signed his own death warrant.

Matt had implied that he’d had a sexual relationship with this Debbie during his fight with Dan outside the bar. Now I have confirmation, no more doubts.

Several things are happening simultaneously. I yell Tucker’s name as he throws himself on Matt, who falls to the ground and drags Tucker with him.

“Damn it, Tucker, you’re going to kill him!” I cry.

I think I’m dreaming as I notice that some people are filming the scene instead of trying to separate them. What kind of world do we live in, for fuck’s sake!

Tucker restrains Matt on the ground and brings his fists down on Matt’s face several times. I see blood and hear a crack. He’s completely out of control. TJ grabs him and tries to pull him away, but to no avail. Yeleen comes running up to us, looking distraught.

“Trey!” she yells.

Trey runs over and tries to pull Tucker away from Matt. Between them, they succeed. Tucker struggles, screams, and spits curse after curse. When he stands up, he looks grim, a dark look in his eyes.

“I’ll kill you,” he promises Matt.

TJ and Trey drag him away from the scene. Kneeling on the ground, Matt sniffs hard, his face smeared with blood.

What did that bastard do to Debbie? I want to smack him too. Yeleen clings to me, her eyes glistening with tears. How the hell did this night get so out of hand?

We don’t speak, looking at each other with a blank stare. It’s TJ’s voice that brings us out of our lethargy, a few minutes later. He comes back alone, without Tucker, Trey, or Dan. He yells to everyone that the party is over. His face is panicked. I walk over to where Tucker has disappeared, but Yeleen holds me back.

“Let him calm down, trust me, he needs it.”

I hesitate for a second, then let her lead me to her car, my eyes still lost in the darkness.


Lying in the middle of my bed, I stare at the ceiling, motionless. The open window lets in a light breeze that blows on my skin, covered only by my shorts and my cotton tank top. An awful silence invades the room. Sleep keeps refusing me its arms. I turn and throw a glance at the alarm clock. One-forty in the morning.

I turn again and continue to observe the ceiling. Then I almost jump when I hear a slight noise. A single knock against my door. Who is it, at this hour?

But my instinct knows the answer to this question. It makes me forget my doubts and my sudden fear. I jump up and leave my bed. I hurry to the entrance, knowing full well who is there. A new knock against the door echoes in rhythm with the sound of my heart.

I put my hand on the handle, quickly glancing at the peephole to see who it is.

And I catch a glimpse of a large wolf who broke his cage tonight, roaring at another with the urge to break his bones.