Page 95 of No Rules

I glance at Yeleen as she drives down the path to the Bomley property, then at my cropped white T-shirt that I’ve paired with low-rise jeans. Yeleen couldn’t get me to put on a dress, but I think what I’m wearing might still hit the mark…

She honks again many times when we pass the gate of the property. We pass in front of the mansion, but the road doesn’t stop there.

“What the hell are you doing?” I exclaim with big eyes as she leaves the road and her Jeep speeds across the lawn.

“I’m taking a shortcut,” she replies with a wink.

“Tucker is going to kill you.”

“Of course not, I’ll say it was you who was driving. Like that I’m saved!”

The rest of the cars are parked along the road, but Yeleen continues to drive without a worry in mind. She crosses the lawn, leading us directly to the eastern edge of the property before finally stopping. She seems so carefree, enjoying the moment. What if, for once, I do the same as her?

Lights are planted in the ground, illuminating the dozens of students who are partying in the middle of nowhere. Indeed, it’s a good thing they didn’t come to my place…

They shout, howl with laughter, dance in close embrace without worrying about the rest of the world. I get out of the vehicle and slam the door. Yeleen does the same, greeting many people. I turn around, not really knowing what to do. It is at this moment that I see the chapel about thirty feet away. Deafening music is coming out of it. Kids are coming and going from it. The chapel seems so narrow from the outside, abandoned, half-ruined, but I know perfectly well that they are all in the basement.

“No mask this time?” I ask Yeleen as we walk towards the chapel.

“Nope. Now that we’ve got our two little recruits, you and Sanchez, we don’t need all that. Tonight, it’s just the members of the Pack and a few other hand-picked buddies of ours.”

I follow her up the stairs on our right, letting the chaotic sound of the bass, the many screams that come to me and the smell of sweat and cigarettes guide me.

When I reach the last step, I look around the room. The old leather sofas are still there, placed all around. They frame an improvised dance floor. This time, the kids are not copulating but dancing with each other. I take a look at the sofa on my right. A chick is undressing on top of a guy while straddling him.

OK, I think I spoke too soon.

The ceiling and walls are in bad shape, and I fear the worst. But I must be the only one who cares about that.

“Oh, here is Sam!” exclaims Yeleen at my side.

I squint to see the young dark-haired man walking towards us, a small smile stuck on his face. A member of the Pack, but not just any member. This idiot is the one who was driving the car when Tucker kidnapped me the other day and he’s the same one who was telling him that he couldn’t take the bag off my face, that I should panic silently. He kisses Yeleen’s cheek.

“Hi, beautiful.”

Then he turns to me. I absolutely do not return his smile. I’m kind of part of their group—and I don’t really want to be!—but I’m not going to hug him when I’d rather punch him in the face.

“Hi,” he begins with an almost regretful look. “Sorry about the other day. Well, now you’ve passed the tests, so—”

I turn my back on him and walk into the room, ignoring him, leaving him in the lurch without any regrets.

Yeleen bursts out laughing and joins me. “Don’t ignore every person you meet… Ohhh, here comes TJ!” she says.

I follow her gaze to TJ, having fun picking out a straw stuck between a girl’s breasts. Yeleen whistles loudly and he raises his head, seeing us a few feet away. His mischievous look and his scoundrel smile do not look good to me.

“Hey, hey, my little chicks,” he yells. “I ask you to put away your genitals for a few minutes and listen to me.”

The music magically stops. Oh, no, please don’t. He walks over to me, mischievous. All eyes turn to him, and therefore to me as well. I glare at him. I hate being the center of attention. He waves his hand behind my back, and Sanchez comes up to us, as uncomfortable as I am.

“Meet our two new recruits! Our charming sex machine straight from Montana!”

He points to Sanchez who waves to the crowd with a smile. So, he’s from Idaho? That’s news to me. That’s one of the neighboring states to where I lived until a few weeks ago.

“And our fiery redhead, incidentally my new best friend. Yes, she is beautiful. But don’t try to flirt with her, she hits easily. Behavioral disorder, I think.”

I roll my eyes, holding back a laugh at his stupid warning.

I’m surprised to see all the people shouting and cheering for us as if they’re really happy to see us. It’s…strange, this welcome. And strangely, a shy smile appears on my face. I, who have always been unnoticed, always stayed in my corner, this whole situation is beyond me, but it doesn’t bother me as much as I thought it would.