Page 50 of No Rules

I resist with all my strength the smile that tries to show up on my face. This guy makes me desperate! He’s a total freak, that’s for sure. How can he be friends with Tucker? I feel like I’m seeing night and day. While one attracts others with his super douchebag magnetism, the other goes out of his way to charm hearts with his poor humor.

“I don’t have time right now, TJ.”

He smiles cheekily, revealing a row of white teeth. He tilts his head at me, raising his eyebrows.

“I know…your time is for someone else.”

I ponder his words, lost. Then, realizing he’s talking about Tucker, I throw my fist into his shoulder hard. “Stop talking shit, you little prick.”

He pretends to be really hurt, then gives me a solemn look. “I’ll be as quiet as a grave, Scout’s honor.”

“If you keep this up, you’re really going to end up in a grave, Scout’s honor,” I repeat with a smile that is anything but innocent.

He laughs softly, as if he was really amused by the threat. “Well, having fun with you helps pass the time, but that’s not why I came. I’m the messenger. The sexy messenger.”

“Sexy, huh…not sure we have the same definition of the word,” I tease him in turn. “Tucker sent you?”

“A girl, actually. But I can understand why you think Tucker is a girl.”

I look at him, speechless. I…what the hell is this guy on, drugs?

“I’m here for Yeleen. She’s inviting the Cub Scouts to join the party she helped organize in one of the student residences. Be there at 8 p.m. in the west wing of the campus, and just follow the screaming and the music that will be playing.”

I shrug my shoulders and shake my head. “I’m working tonight, I can’t go.”

“Oh,” sighs TJ, disappointed. “I thought I was going to surprise my cousin by taking you, but you just ruined my joy.”

“Gee, I’m so sorry, honey,” I exclaim wryly, finally walking away. However, as I replay his words in my head, I stop and turn around abruptly. “Wait, what did you say?”

TJ, who was already backing away, turns to me, one eyebrow raised.

“Your cousin?” I repeat, confused. “You and Tucker are cousins?”

He gives me a big smile and walks away without answering me.

“Fuck, does it run in the family to walk away without answering, or what?” I shout as only his laughter reaches me.

So, Tucker and TJ are cousins? Holy shit, why do I even care? It’s not my problem.

I go on my way, determined to banish their stupid family from my thoughts.

A few hours later, I count the minutes until my shift is over.

The bar is pretty quiet tonight, so my colleague Buck was able to go home early. I stifle a yawn as I stare at the dial of my watch again. It’s almost eleven p.m. A colleague will take over, and I can go home and collapse on my bed.

I am rinsing a glass when a male figure enters my field of vision.

“Good evening, what can I get you?” I ask politely, raising my head.

My heart misses a beat when I recognize the man standing in front of me.

I try not to let anything show as I try to remember his first name. Matt. The guy who had started to annoy me before Tucker intervened and ordered me to stay away from him.

“Hi,” he says cheerfully, resting his elbows on the bar.

His smile is meant to be charming, but I ignore it completely. I throw a glance at the surroundings. He is not in the company of his stupid friends tonight. He runs his hand through his blond hair, tangling it in the process. He seems stressed.

“Good evening,” I repeat, “what can I get you?”