Page 136 of No Rules

He raises an eyebrow and takes a step towards me. I now understand the purpose of the little visit. They want to give TJ’s father a hard time. They are completely nuts!

“Are you going to fight him?”

Tucker shakes his head.

“No, I’m not.”

“No?” I repeat, surprised. “No one will get hurt?”

“We’ll blow up his car,” he replies. “It’s a warning. So that he understands that TJ is not alone, without finding out who did this.”

They’re just going to smash up his car? I don’t know why, but my instinct is to believe Tucker. I decide to be part of his evil plan.

“And what’s my part? I won’t let TJ down, but I don’t want to break anything.”

“Do you have your car keys?”

I nod and shake them.

“Then this will do.”


And here I am, just past ten pm, driving through the deserted streets of the northern part of the city. A red Dodge follows closely behind us—Dan—and another car with Sarah, Yeleen, and Sam in it. Sanchez is sitting behind me with stars in his eyes. He’s excited about what’s about to happen. Next to me, Tucker opens a bag. I look down and think I see a baseball bat.

“Oh, my God,” I mutter. “We’re going to get pulled over by the cops. What about the cameras, did you think about that?”

“Where you’re going to park, there aren’t any. There are some around his car, but…” he pauses while taking out wolf masks, “I have everything I need.”

Sanchez hurries to get his. Mine remains at the bottom of the bag because I will wait in my car. I’ll drive them, but there is no way I’m going to participate. Although, of course, I want TJ’s father to pay. He is a coward and a scumbag.

When we reach the motel, we all park behind the bushes in front. I cut my engine, Tucker puts the mask on his face, and the others do the same. Only his distinctive eyes remain visible. He puts them on me and extends his hand in my direction without worrying about Sanchez, who is waiting behind us. His index finger gently brushes my cheek.

“How are you?”

“I should be packing because I’m flying out early tomorrow to pick up my little sister in Portland. I should turn around and leave you two alone,” I gasp in response.

A small, husky sound comes from his chest as he leans toward me.

“But you won’t. What do you feel? An adrenaline rush, right? Even though you know we’re doing something bad, you want to teach Mark a lesson, too.”

I frown but don’t back down in my seat. How can he know that? He’s right. That’s exactly how I feel, damn it.

Sanchez gets out of the vehicle and hands the others a mask. It’s weird to see precious Sarah and Yeleen ready to smash cars. They look like warriors, not just ordinary college girls.

“We’ll be back in five minutes,” Tucker tells me as he walks away. “Just enough time to redo his rearview mirrors.”

“Tucker,” I whisper before he closes the door. “Be…careful.”

He winks at me.

“Sure thing, honey.”

“And stop with the stupid nicknames!”

He slams the door, laughing, and walks towards the motel. I can’t see the parking lot because of the bushes surrounding my car. I look at my watch every thirty seconds and hear some metal clanking. What the fuck am I doing?

Rebuilding my life peacefully, we said. I failed miserably.