“You know what,” she continues, “I’m going to listen to my heart. I’m going to follow Trey.”
Tucker frowns, looking confused, and forces her into the passenger seat. Her arms are contracted, and I can’t help but watch the dance of her knotted muscles.
“Come on, you little drunk, get in there,” he mumbles through his teeth.
Yeleen leans over to the open door to talk to me.
“I’m not going to let him go. You’re right, I love him, just like you loved your Rafael,” she lets go before leaning back against her seat.
I take the hit and hold back a flinch. Damn Yeleen!
Tucker slams the car door and his eyes meet mine.
I pray inwardly that he hasn’t heard his best friend’s words, but I know very well that isn’t the case. But he has the sense not to ask me any questions. He just keeps staring at me, a stern look on his face.
He takes a step closer, lips parted, and runs a hand over his neck. “Thank you for calling me,” he finally says.
I nod silently. His gaze is burning, and I’m pretty sure the one I’m giving him back is similar. He’s literally eating me up in his thoughts. Shit, none of this is normal.
But it feels so good.
For fear of doing something stupid, I start to back away but he calls out to me, “I have a question.”
I freeze in place, crossing my arms over my chest. I swear I won’t answer anything else if he asks me about what Yeleen just said. But his question will be quite different, I can tell by his mischievous look. He approaches me, brushing me.
“What color?” he whispers against my lips with a little smile.
I frown, confused. “What do you mean, what color?”
He licks his lower lip gently, but from the way he stares at me longingly, I bet he’d like to run his tongue somewhere else, but neither he nor I give in. It’s much better to play with fire. To be ready to get burned.
“Your hair, blond or red?”
Realizing he’s talking about my pubic hair, I let out a grunt and slam my fist into his shoulder. “Asshole,” I mumble, raising my eyes to the sky.
But already, he goes to his car with a laugh.
“Good night, babe!”
I can feel that he’s still staring at me with such intensity as I walk to my own car. I feel his gaze burning my back and mentally undressing me.
And I think I like it.
27. A Possessive Man
I let the hot jet of the shower relax my tired muscles. Head tilted forward, both hands pressed to the tiled wall, I close my eyes. I hate this fucking insomnia. I can’t sleep tonight. Bad memories keep coming back to me. Images that I want to forget and that seemingly won’t let go of me.
One, in particular. My father, lying on the ground. Dead.
I hear my cell phone ringing by the sink.
“Oh, my God,” I grunt as I step out of the shower.
I grab a towel and quickly wrap it around my waist, grabbing my phone with my soaked fingers. I feel the strands of my hair dripping down the back of my neck, the drops of water tracing their way down my back.
“Yeah,” I answer as I make my way to my room.