Page 48 of No Rules

The footsteps of the stranger come a little closer. As I reach my room, a hand grabs my shoulder.

“Let me go!” I shout.

His powerful fingers squeeze my skin. I scream and scratch his face. The man grunts while moving away. I don’t lose a second and push him before slamming the door behind me. As I lock it, a fist slams hard against the wood of my door.

“You think you can hide?” he yells, knocking again.

The police will come. They’re almost here, I repeat to myself in my mind.

“Agnes,” I gasp, dropping down beside the bed to look underneath.

But my little sister isn’t there.

“Agnes, it’s me.” My voice trembles with despair.

The door won’t hold for long, the wood might break at any moment. But I know she’s here.

“I…Iris?” whispers a tiny voice.

I stand up abruptly and run to my closet. I open it wide and discover my little sister, curled up. Her light brown eyes, so similar to mine, are filled with tears that she tries to contain bravely.

I pull her to me.

“It’s okay,” I whisper, grabbing her face.

Her lips are trembling. Seeing her pink pajamas torn at the neckline, my stomach twists.

“Mo…Mom…” she moans with difficulty. “He…he killed her.”

I close my eyes and inhale deeply. I can’t let it overwhelm me now. I have to save her. The police are coming. What the hell is taking them so long?!

I turn around, staring at my bathroom door, on the other side of my room. We have to lock ourselves in. I pull my little sister behind me, but at the same time, my bedroom door shatters.

The stranger enters the room, his eyes are staring at Agnes’ body with an appreciative look.

“Found,” he breathes, victorious.

I stand up in front of him to block him with my body. He hits me violently in the face. Out of breath, I collapse on the ground.

My head hits the floor, my vision becomes blurred. I close my eyes tightly and open them again, trying to fix my gaze on something. My fingers rest on my aching jaw.

A muffled scream wakes me from my torpor. Stifling a groan of pain, I pull myself up as best I can, on all fours.

My vision remains blurred, but I manage to understand the situation: the stranger is pinning my little sister on the ground.

Agnes hits his large chest with her small fists, which has no effect. The man laughs harshly and pulls her hair to immobilize her.

“No,” I try to scream despite my sore mouth.

My little sister screams as he grabs her throat…so little…he’ll kill her.

I try to draw on my last bit of strength…but I’m weak…no. I don’t have the right to be weak, I have to protect her. I straighten up and almost flinch before jumping on the man’s back with a raging scream.

“Let her go,” I roar while pulling his hair with all my strength.

He sends his elbow in my ribs. The impact cuts my breath. I groan and kick him, but he throws me off to the side again. I roll on the carpet. Agnes is crying. Her cries resound in my ears, tirelessly. She begs him. She doesn’t understand what’s going on, but she begs him to let her go, she begs him not to kill me.

The man doesn’t care. A lustful gleam appears in his eyes.