Page 190 of No Rules

I swallow roughly, my brain thinking at full speed. My muscles tense up a little more. “What the hell does Sanchez have to do with this?”

“She broke his father, so he will break her.”

I begin to connect the dots. The questions swirling around in my head are slowly being answered and my concern is growing.

Iris broke Sanchez’s father…no, don’t tell me that…that Sanchez has a connection to her past?! I never trusted this guy even though he was part of our circle of friends. As soon as he came out of the third challenge, almost clinging to her, I had a bad feeling about him. I could see how much he wanted to get close to her like a little dog. I thought like a guy and figured he was interested in her.

What if his attitude was hiding a lot more than I thought?!

“You won’t be able to do anything but watch her be destroyed, like Debbie! Because of you, she is dead!” spits Dan. “She became a vegetable because of you, and you let her die like a piece of shit while you were screwing Iris! Look at you, the great Tucker Bomley reduced to nothing, doesn’t that hurt?”

Hatred slowly fills me, and I approach him, getting right in his face. My nostrils quiver at these words and insults. “You think I don’t blame myself for Debbie’s death? For her accident?! I never gave up on her. But I’m starting to realize that you and I were never buddies. As for Iris…”

Dan laughs sourly and glares at me, not impressed at all.

“Is our alpha about to hurt me too?”

“You want to get back at me by hurting Iris?” I say again, but I don’t let him respond. “I swear that if you or Sanchez touch her, I’ll kill you.”

I’ve always considered Dan my brother, all these years. But I’m realizing that he had some resentment buried inside him, resentment towards me. He wants to hurt me by touching Iris, by leaving her in the hands of that son of a bitch Sanchez? Very bad idea.

Dan tries once again to block my way, but I push him roughly, which makes him move back a few steps. I hear a crash inside the cabin, and I run towards it, furious.

I haven’t taken more than a couple steps when Dan tackles me. His frame is as large as mine, we have both spent dozens of hours at the gym. But I’m full of anger. A storm is brewing inside me, ready to devastate everything in its path.

Dan may be strong, but I’m as powerful as a bear tonight, adrenaline coursing through my veins. He slams into my side, making me wobble, but I stay on my feet. I send my fist in his direction, his nose cracking fearfully under my fingers. His upper lip is split in two, he spits a mixture of saliva and blood on the ground.

“I’m going to break you so badly that you will never recover. Did you leave her with that bastard?!”

A new scream from behind him.


Dan and I rush toward each other. I think a blade grazes my side but I don’t feel anything. My forehead meets his nose and a growl comes from his chest. Then my knee hits his ribs as he bends down.

I hit him in the face again with my elbow, and he collapses to the ground with a muffled sound, unconscious.

I don’t think for a second. I have to help Iris. The most horrible scenarios run through my head, but I refuse to believe them. I refuse to tell myself that I am too late. An unpleasant voice echoes in my mind: if I hadn’t pushed Iris away, nothing would have happened like this.

I can’t lose her. Not when she means more to me than anything. This little piece of woman has brought me completely to my knees.

I throw the old door open, slamming it against the wall of the cottage. I immediately see who is there and what is going on. I can’t think of anything else.

Iris is tied to an old wooden chair. Sanchez, who had his back to me, turns to me, apparently unhappy to see me here. He probably thought Dan would overpower me while he was dealing with MY girl.

Noticing the trickle of blood coming from Iris’ nostril, I see red. I barely have time to notice that she has fortunately not been undressed before I charge towards Sanchez.

And nothing will stop me.

“You shouldn’t have come in here,” he says with an evil smile.

I understand what he is getting at when I see him raise a gun in my direction, but he doesn’t have time to finish his gesture when I run at him. A shot rings out near my head. A few inches to the left and it would have blown my face off. The bullet grazed my ear, and I feel the blood running down my neck. I can’t hear anything on this side, but I try to hold Sanchez under my weight.

“Tucker!” screams Iris, half hysterical, half crying, from behind me.

Seeing her like this and hearing the distress in her voice breaks me down a little more. They tried to lure me here hoping to have his revenge on her to hurt me.

Big fucking mistake on their part.