Page 168 of No Rules

TJ seems to hesitate at first. He puts his two hands on the table, almost embarrassed. But it is with some relief that he answers us, “My mother is going to divorce that bastard.”

And I share his relief. His mother will finally be able to free herself from the grip of her monstrous husband! I can’t help but compare their relationship with that of my parents, and my heart sinks. They loved each other so much. My father would never lay a hand on my mother and vice versa. They loved and respected each other.

Not hesitating for a second, I grab TJ’s hand. “That’s great news,” I whispered with a small smile. “She’s going to be fine, it’s going to get better.”

He raises his face to me, his eyes shining. “Thanks, Iris.”

One second, I have my hand on his. The next second, two strong arms wrap around my waist and I’m in Tucker’s lap.

“Why are you touching my girl?” he mumbles, staring at TJ.

“I’m not a rag doll you can move around as you please,” I grumble.

He smiles softly before pressing his mouth against mine with a loud snap.

“Your girl, huh,” laughs TJ. “I don’t want to say this, but it looks like ‘your girl’ is going to rip your balls off, man.”

“I think my balls are too precious,” Tucker laughs and kisses the top of my skull, as if his instincts told him to do so. He rests his hand on my lower abdomen, and I press my back against his chest. Why am I acting so comfortable with him?

I raise my head and feel a look on both of us. Sanchez stares at us. “I thought you were just messing around?” he says, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms.

I remember telling him that the other day. But in the meantime, a few things have happened. I’ve decided not to be afraid and to let the moment guide me. I don’t quite understand his frown and am about to answer him, but Tucker beats me to it. “We’re together now.”

We’re together now. We’re together, damn it. Hearing him say that word makes me feel weird. I’m not used to it.

“I see,” Sanchez continues. “It’s…cool.”

He smiles at us kindly. But his eyes are not smiling. I feel like I’m missing something. I remember how he acted the other day when my sister told him almost the same thing about Tucker and me. One conclusion is coming to me.

Would Sanchez be…jealous?

46. Trust


Thirty minutes after my psychology class, I leave the lecture hall. The sun is low in the sky, signaling the end of the day.

I must admit that I couldn’t follow my professor’s explanations because I didn’t really study this weekend. Let’s just say I was busy with something else. Tucker crashed at my apartment, and I think he tried to break the record for the most orgasms I could have in less than two days. I ended up as exhausted as I was sated, with the image of his satisfied smile burned into my mind. He was damn proud of himself.

I have to admit that I’m feeling better. When I agreed that we were officially together, I was afraid that it would become awkward between us. I hadn’t dated anyone since Rafael. But Tucker is exactly the same as he was before, except that now he allows himself affectionate gestures in public. When we went out to eat on Sunday, he held my hand. He didn’t say anything, smile, or anything. His fingers just wrapped around mine. And strangely enough, I let him. I even enjoyed it.

Like a real couple, damn it.

My cell phone vibrates at the same moment. I look down to find a message from Tucker.

[Tonight. You, me, and my dick.]

I almost burst out laughing. Told you nothing has changed between us. He’s still as addicted to my ass and as vulgar. Does that bother me? Not at all.

I stop in the middle of the road leading to the parking lot. About ten yards away, Tucker is leaning against my car, arms crossed. His different color eyes are hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses, but I know he’s watching me. I know he’s eating me up with his eyes because I’m doing the same to him. I put my phone away.

His legs are molded by his jeans. He’s wearing a gray polo shirt that hugs his biceps deliciously. I want to run my hand through his brown locks and bite his lip furiously.

“If you ever scratch my car by putting your butt against it, I’ll cut your balls off,” I warn him with a little smile as I get to his side.

He raises his eyebrows, and I can almost feel his gaze intensify behind the smoked glass of his glasses.

“But you like my ass.”