Page 115 of No Rules

Is this an activity organized by the Pack?

“Hey, TJ!” I call out to him in the distance.

He turns to me, a big smile on his face. “How are my little cubs doing?” he asks as he approaches us.

“We’re fine. What’s going on?” I ask.

“Well, in addition to being a beautiful face, an exceptional man, kind, funny?”

“Humble?” I resume by raising my eyebrows.

“And humble, you’re right,” he continues, “I am also involved in various associations that the university sponsors. Today, we’re fundraising for an organization that helps battered women get the financial and psychological support they need to get away from their violent partners.”

He stiffens on those last words, and I can’t help but stare at his tense shoulders. He seems to know the subject personally, or maybe my instincts are wrong. Either way, I think it’s an honorable fight. I know how many women are beaten to death every year. Men too, but the majority are still women.

I open my bag wide and take out three dollars. I hand them to him without a word. A frank smile spreads across his features, making him look much younger.

“Thank you, Iris, that means a lot to me.”

I don’t know what to say, so I just nod. At my gesture, Sanchez also gives money to TJ.

“Perfect,” he continues, “so Sanchez, I’ll put you on list number two, and Iris on list number three.”

He is already starting to walk away, but I call out to him in surprise. “Wait, what list?”

“Well, each participant who donates three dollars can then try to face one of the hell hands,” he continues with a smirk. “I’ll let you go ahead and find out what it is.”

“Don’t you think the arm wrestling will cool off some people?” I continue, puzzled.

“Are you kidding? Succeed in beating one of the kings of the campus, and it’s eternal glory! They’ll all be fighting to prove their worth.”

I glare at him, already feeling the bullshit coming. Don’t you?

I elbow my way through again and finally reach the center of the circle. I see three tables on the lawn. I quickly understand. Behind each table stands a guy. At table number one, a tall, muscular, blond guy is arm wrestling a skinny college girl. I saw him at Tucker’s the other day. At number two, Sam, a guy from the Pack, is doing the same thing with a guy. He quickly folds his arm and yells:

“Win again! So, who’s coming to fight me, darlings?!”

I swallow hard and turn my head to the last table. Tucker is arm wrestling with another student. The two stare each other down, and within seconds, Tucker puts his opponent’s arm down, winning the round. I check the table number. Number three. Is this the list TJ put me on a minute ago?

I look around for him, murderous urges rising in me. I find him a few feet away.

“I’m going to kill you,” I articulate silently in his direction.

He raises his hands in the air with an innocent look and winks at me. Next to me, Sanchez is like a madman. He walks over to table two, a fighter’s look on his face.

As for me, I start to back away, wanting to run away. I turn on my heels just as TJ’s voice slams into my back.

“Come on, Iris, it’s your turn.”

I freeze on the spot, knowing full well that the others—and therefore Tucker—have heard his words. If I leave, I’ll look like a wimp. I don’t care what they think and I know I don’t stand a chance against Tucker. However, I risk a glance behind my back. A good portion of the students are watching me with big smiles, and a few girls are cheering me on.

I turn to the three tables, and the gaze I’ve been trying to avoid all this time finally hits mine. I hear Sanchez and Sam clashing and cursing, but I still don’t move. Tucker frowns as he notices me and slowly straightens up behind his table.

The words he spoke yesterday come back to me. Joining him now is definitely not a good idea.

“I think she’s forfeiting,” laughs Sarah next to TJ, a petty look on her face. “Not very brave.”

Tucker continues to watch me silently, his different colored gaze far too intense to bear. So I decide to stare at his shoulders, but that’s not a good thing either. They’re hugged by the sleeves of his red shirt, and it reminds me of the way Tucker was tensing his muscles as he entered me this weekend…