Page 112 of No Rules

He frowns a little more, and I realize he doesn’t know what I’m referring to.

“About this Friday, not…not last Friday. Um, I have a class that starts at eleven and ends at one. Since the trial is at four o’clock, shall we leave directly after my class?”

He just nods.

“Shall we take two cars and meet there, or just one car? I don’t know where we’re going.”

“I do. I can pick you up,” he says a second later.

The irritation is apparent in his voice. His jaw is clenched.

“Are you sure? I don’t mind…”

“I’m sure, Iris. We leave here at 1 p.m. Anything else?”

I stare at him and feel my own anger rising in me. “Yes, something else. Can I ask why you’re being such an asshole?”

He raises his eyebrows and lets out a joyless laugh. “I’m sorry?”

“Yeah. We slept together and you left me a damn note. I thought we were cool, but I see you show up Saturday night with a six-foot head. What’s the deal, you fucked me so you ignore me?”

He didn’t say anything for almost a minute, just glares at me. “Do you expect me to follow you like a puppy? You’re the one who wanted a single night to avoid complications, right? So don’t come and ask me for an explanation afterwards.”

Isn’t that what we both wanted? Just one night?

“I’m not asking you for an explanation,” I sigh, trying not to roll my eyes. “But the fact that you’re totally cold and grouchy makes me wonder. Anyway, you know what, forget it. Go back to having fun with other girls like we agreed. Like the little blonde from Saturday night, I’m sure she was perfect.”

His shoulders tense a little more. He looks like he wants to kill me.

“Oh, yes, she was delicious.” His bitter tone doesn’t escape me.

“Great,” I say in a neutral voice.

“Great,” he repeats loudly, like a kid.

I give him the finger, and he turns his back on me abruptly and walks away. I stare at him, my mouth half open. God, why do his stupid words hurt me? I should laugh and tell him I don’t care but I do. Right now, I’m imagining them giving each other pleasure. And it hurts me.

When he’s already several feet away, Tucker suddenly turns around and comes at me quickly. I almost feel like he’s going to run into me, but he freezes a few inches away. I watch him silently, holding back from backing up under his dark gaze.

“No, not ‘great,’” he barks at me.

I cross my arms over my chest like a little girl. I don’t even know why we’re fighting. He’s just being ridiculous, and so am I. Yet I stand my ground, waiting for him to speak.

“I didn’t fuck her,” he spits between his teeth.

My mouth opens in surprise.

What? Did I hear that right? But why?

“I was in my damn car, she had her hand on my cock, and I was getting a hard-on, as I had been for hours. But you want to know something funny? It wasn’t for her.”

I swallow with difficulty. I know perfectly well what these words mean, but I turn a deaf ear and ask again piteously, “What?”

He gives a slight grunt and leans in so close our faces nearly touch.

“One night, no complications, just one fuck. I get that. But my body refuses it and gives me a hard time. I still fucking want you. Satisfied?”

He doesn’t wait for my answer and walks away again, furious.