Page 11 of No Rules

“Oh yeah?” continues TJ as he leans a little further in, “will you play cab with me?”

Tucker pushes TJ away, his hand firmly on his shoulder. “Get out of the way, buddy.”

“Hey,” exclaims the blond man, straightening up, “that’s an attack against me, man.”

He walks away and forgets about us, hailing a pretty brunette as he passes.

Tucker stares at me one last time. “Thank you.”

I give him a solemn look. “Sure, no problem, I wasn’t going to let you play the damsel in distress.”

He tilts his head to the side, falsely offended, before asking, “Do I have the right to know your name?”

“You’ll know it when I write it on my parking space.”

His eyes sparkle for a moment, then he gets out of the car. “Good evening, redhead.”

“Screw you!”

He slams the door, muffling my insult, and strides away towards the house.

In spite of myself, a small smile takes place on my face. I start the car again, trying to ignore the last twenty minutes and the tall dark-haired man watching me over his shoulder.

4. They are Here


Yawning like crazy, I get out of my Chevrolet and slam the door behind me. With AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell” playing loudly in my ears, I cross the parking lot in the direction of Lecture Hall B4.

This morning, everything is going wrong. I can’t wake up. Caffeine was of no use to me, and my shower decided to piss me off at seven o’clock: the water was freezing. My skin is still shivering!

I turn around a few feet from my car and lock it. A small smile appears on my face. This time, I arrived early, which is more like me. I was able to get the parking spot I was occupying last week…which is Tucker’s spot. Oh yeah, there are other spots available. But my bitchy side couldn’t resist.

I walk into the building, almost dragging my feet. The hallways are packed. Students are rushing in all directions to get to their next class. As I pass a group, a huge noise explodes behind me. My heart misses a beat as I turn abruptly.

The sound takes me back months and my throat suddenly closes. Was that a gunshot?

But I seem to be the only one who is worried about it. Around me, the students explode with laughter and seem excited by the noise, as if they were expecting it.

What the hell is this crap?!

A few feet away from me, a scream rings out in the crowd. Someone is howling to death, and it sounds like…wait, is he howling like a wolf?

The scream suddenly stops as everyone looks at each other, not knowing who just screamed. Another one is heard, a little further away this time. A student in a blue polo shirt and jeans passes through the crowd, handing out some papers. He greets the people while continuing his way. Once the flyer is in their hands, the students seem overexcited.

As he approaches, I notice his blond hair stopping at the nape of his neck and I recognize him. TJ, Tucker’s friend!

His green eyes focus on me, and a big smile appears on his lips as he seems to recognize me in turn. He walks towards me with a much more measured step than the other night. The alcohol seems to have definitely left his body.

“And here is my pretty cab,” he greets me cheerfully while standing in front of me.

I take a second to understand the name he gave me. “I am not your cab. I’m not a cab at all, I just helped your friend.”

TJ continues to stare at me intently, as if looking for an answer in my face.

“Hum, hum, if you say so.”

I roll my eyes and start to walk away.