Page 108 of No Rules

“Where the hell have you been hiding that?”

I shove him with a little smile and grab a notebook to go back to taking orders.

“You asked me to find a way to calm things down, and I think I did a pretty good job.”

“Damn you succeeded, you were damn hot!”

I glare at him and raise my pen in his direction. “Don’t even think about it.”

He raises his eyes to the sky and pretends to wipe my face. “Go on, get out of here, you naughty girl, before I jump on you.”

I mumble to myself and walk away, ignoring his mocking laugh. I try not to look at the two pool tables at the back of the bar, but unfortunately, they are on the side of the room where I am serving tonight. Luckily for me, two guys and a girl call me. I walk towards them with a little smile on my face.

“What can I get you?” I ask.

“Light Ale!” they exclaim at the same time.

“I’ll get that for you.”

I walk away and look straight ahead as I pass by the pool tables.

“Iris!” shouts TJ as he notices me.

Damn it…I freeze and slowly turn in his direction. I keep my gaze on him, trying to forget about Tucker who is staring intently at me behind him, leaning against one of the pool tables. I walk over to them, noticing two other guys who have joined them in passing.


TJ stares at me, a big smile on his face, stars in his eyes.

“Would you do a personal show for me again?” he jokes, grinning wickedly.

“If you want to end up with your family jewels pinned to the wall, we can try.”

He bursts out laughing and puts his arm on my shoulders as if we were old friends. “This is Quinn and Cam.” continues TJ.

They both greet me quickly, focusing on their game. Dan is also there. He nods when he sees me. I am forced to turn my gaze to Tucker next. A distinctive warmth invades my body as it remembers the delicious bite of his penetration. Think of something else…

“Hi,” I gasp, trying to look calm.

He nods his head. “Good evening, Iris.”

His voice almost sends a shiver down my spine. “Some beers? Shall I get you some beers?” I say loudly as I walk away.

TJ stares at us in turn, a stupid smile plastered on his face, then nods.

Tucker still doesn’t take his eyes off me. Did he tell his cousin we slept together? Did they both talk about it? I don’t want people to…shit, I don’t want people to know.

I walk over to the bar, questions running through my head. I give the order for the first table to Buck and go straight to putting out the beers for TJ, Tucker, and the others. I slam the bottle down a little hard after opening it, then bend down to get some more from the fridge under the counter. When I straighten up, I almost jump when I see that Tucker is standing right in front of me, on the other side of the bar.

“Here are your beers,” I say, handing him the four bottles.


He pulls out a twenty-dollar bill and places it on the counter. I feel like he’s waiting for me to say something as an awkward silence falls. Finally, he grabs the beers as I stare at his arm muscles, remembering their movements when he lay on top of me last night. I inhale deeply, but he doesn’t seem at all disturbed. Perfect, he’s moved on, and I’m stupid. He starts to walk away, but I call out to him.


He freezes, turns to me, eyebrows furrowed, then puts the beers down. His eyes stare at my half-opened mouth.