Page 96 of Trading Yesterday

“Okay.” I reached out and laid a hand on his bicep. “You’re a good dad.” He was a special person and I loved him, dearly. Not in the same way I loved Chase, but he had a big heart, and he never held back with Remi, and they were close.”

“You sure about that?”


I walked to the surgery reception. “My name is Teagan Jeffers. May I go in and wait with Chase Forrester until they take him to surgery?”

“Teagan, Teagan, Teagan…” The thin young woman scanned the list of visitors approved to enter for my name. She slid a pen down the list that was clipped to the hard board she held with her other arm. “Teagan… Tessler?” She looked up with a smile. She was wearing surgical scrubs and her hair and shoes were covered as well.

“Yes, that’s me. Tessler is my maiden name.”

“Can I see a piece of ID please?”

I offered my driver’s license by flipping open my wallet.

“Sure, this way.” She led me through the same doors that Chase had disappeared thirty minutes earlier. “Chase Forrester. That name is familiar,” the nurse mused. She led me into a big room that looked similar to an emergency room, with a row of smaller rooms on each side of a main aisle with a workstation in the middle. The tile was stark white and magnified the florescent light to an almost offensive level. It smelled of antiseptic and bleach.

I couldn’t help but smile as the woman rattled on. “Oh, I remember. There is a super hot soccer player that plays for that English soccer club, right? But, I think he’s from Carolina.”

“Yeah. We met at Clemson.”

She stopped abruptly. “This Chase Forrester is that Chase Forrester?”

To be honest, I was surprised we made it all morning in the waiting room without someone recognizing either Chase or Jensen.

I let out a light laugh. “The one and only.”

“Wow. I hope he’s okay. I mean, I hope he’s not sick, or anything,” she pried.

HIPPA laws kept her from asking directly, and I wasn’t in the mood to share. “He’s okay.”

“He’s in room six, right on this end.”

“Thank you.” I walked to the door and knocked on the glass.

The nurse was hovering, no doubt wanting a glance at Chase.

“Come in,” his deep voice said from the other side of the door. There were three quarter length curtains pulled closed, so it blocked her view. I had to push through them, but closed the sliding door behind me.

“Hey, you,” he said. He was on a portable hospital bed with an IV already started in his arm. “Did you hear from Dr. Radar?”

“Yeah. Your parents are giving him a run for his money. Hey, sexy. Nice dress,” I teased gently.

Chase rolled his eyes. “This fucking thing. I’d rather be naked.”

My left eyebrow shot up. “I’m sure that would make for happy nurses.”

“Wouldn’t it make you happy?” he grinned.

“Could be,” I laughed.

“How’s Remi?”

“Dr. Radar said she’s doing okay. She’s throwing up and has a headache. He said he’s cautiously optimistic.”

He motioned for me to sit down on the edge of his bed, and took my hand and brought it to his lips, brushing his lips across my knuckles. “It’s almost over, baby. You just have to be strong for a little longer. It’s all going to work out and Remi is going to grow up, perfect.”

There were so many things still up in the air. When he went back to England, what would happen? Would he go next week when he was healed from the donation? The questions raced through my mind.