Page 76 of Trading Yesterday

“Chase.” His name throbbed out of me and it was all I could do not to throw myself into his arms right then, and there. “I want to tell you something, but it can’t be here.”

“Just tell me what it is. I can’t take more of this. You said you don’t want secrets between us now, so don’t keep any.”

He was so beautiful, and I could see the love in his eyes. I drew in a shaky breath.

“I want to tell you everything, but not here. Bronwyn could come back any second. I don’t want the interruption.” My heart ached at the anguish on his face, and I wanted to wipe it away with my confession right then.

“Okay,” he nodded, his tone resolved. “Tonight, after Remi is asleep, we’ll go someplace. Is it about something Bronwyn said to you while I was calling Dr. Radar?”

“In part, but what I need to tell you is partly about the past, too.”

“Fine, but tell me what Bronwyn said to you. I need to know, right now.”

The fact was I wanted to tell him. I needed to see his reaction so I could gauge his real feelings for the other woman. “She just reminded me that I’m married, and you’re with her. She said you’d never be able to forgive me.”

Chase’s features hardened and he started to speak, but I stopped him.

“No, Chase. I was hurt and angry, but she was right. As much as I want to be with you, it’s wrong; you said it yourself the night we made out in the car. And worse, I’m scared that you’ll be with me because of Remi and even if you do love me, I’m terrified it could all come back and ruin us later if we can’t move beyond everything. There are things I need to ask you, and things I need to tell you. I want to be completely honest; I want us both to be. Even if it hurts.”

“Alright, I can do that, Teagan.”

I still felt apprehensive, but I’d had my conversation with Jensen, and I needed a come-to-Jesus conversation with Chase. We both needed it.

“I don’t really feel comfortable around her because my emotions are shot. I’m just not strong enough to deal with her jabs. I have no right to ask, but I’d appreciate it if she didn’t come around me, especially when Remi is there.” I didn’t want her around my daughter, period. Remi’s condition had made it impossible for her to meet her so far, and if I had my way, she never would. “She doesn’t need to be thrown into the middle of this.”

“I agree. I’ll talk to Bronwyn, Teagan.” He said, letting go of my hand as the other woman appeared in the cafeteria entrance as if on cue. I wasn’t sure exactly what he meant, but I knew in my heart that I could trust him to protect Remi and me.

“Remi will be waking up soon, so I need to get upstairs to be there when she does.”

Part of me was scared of Chase being alone with Bronwyn; afraid she’d spew lies about me or misconstrue something I said, but all I could do was to give Chase a chance to make his own decisions and then respect them. I owed him that much.

“I’ll be up soon, too,” he said quietly. “Just give me a couple of hours.”

The pull that always existed between us was strong and I was reluctant to rise and leave him alone with Bronwyn.

“Okay.” I nodded slightly, pushing my chair back to stand, readying to leave.

Chase rose with me and ran a hand down the length of my arm and it was all I could do not to slip my arms around his waist and press a kiss to his clean-shaven jaw. “It’s going to be okay,” he reassured. “Don’t worry. Just concentrate on our daughter.”

My heart flip-flopped inside my chest at his words. It was like a dream to hear those words come from his mouth.

I picked up my bag and flung it over my shoulder at the same time that the other woman reached the table. Her eyes shot from Chase to me and back again. “I will. See you later, then” I murmured and started to walk away, but still able to hear the start of their conversation.

“Yes,” Chase answered.

“Hi, lovie. Is everything okay?” Bronwyn’s voice was decidedly sweeter in tone when directed at Chase. “You look a little frazzled.”

“Let’s go back to the apartment.”

“Ooh. An afternoon delight,” she cooed.

“Not exactly.”

I couldn’t help smiling as I walked out of the cafeteria. My heart was soaring, feeling as connected to Chase as ever, and glad he was willing to hear the whole story and anxious to tell him.

For now, I had to trust him and let him handle Bronwyn. I was anxious to spend the rest of the day with Remi. My beautiful little Remi with her daddy’s gorgeous green eyes.