Page 121 of Trading Yesterday

“There are our dates,” he said. “Boy, are we in trouble.”

“I’ll say,” Jensen agreed, his eyes as drawn to Remi as mine were.

She was standing next to my mom and proudly greeting everyone. “Thank you for coming to Mommy and Daddy’s wedding,” she said over and over to each guest and offered her hand to shake it. The women commented on her beautiful dress. Her hair was professionally done up in a mass of curls that nestled the coveted tiara. It was adorable.

When we approached I leaned in and kissed my mother’s cheek before Remi noticed me. “She’s a little doll. She’s eating this up.”

“You look great, Mom.” She had a linen handkerchief in her hand and an orchid corsage on the lapel of her suit.

Her hand reached out and touched the front of my shirt, lovingly smoothing it down, and patting my chest. “I’m so happy for you, Chase. You look so handsome.”

I smirked, running a hand over my freshly shaved jaw with a wink. “Yeah, you got your way with the haircut, so you have to say that.”

“Hi, Daddy!” Remi exclaimed when she saw me, and I bent to swoop her up and hold her up with my right arm.

“My, don’t you look beautiful!” I kissed her rosy cheek. It was a little more filled out now that she was healthy. She was still thin, but not like she was when she was ill. I loved the healthy radiance about her. “Your hair is gorgeous!”

She leaned in and put her hand over her mouth in an effort to tell me a secret. I cocked my head to accommodate her. “It’s just like Mommy’s! And look!” She splayed her little hand in front of her showing off her beautifully French-manicured fingers. “And look at my feet!”

I used my free hand to lift the hem of her long dress just enough so that her tiny foot was exposed. The pretty little low-heeled pumps were made out of clear acetate that made them look like glass. Her toes were clearly visible and painted to match her fingers. “Wow!”

“Yeah, my toes had to be done too, ‘cause you can see’em through these slippers!” She was so excited she was practically jumping in my arms.

“You really are a princess! You’re dazzling!” I hugged her close and kissed her forehead. Her little arms wrapped around my neck and squeezed.

“Come on, squirt,” Jensen held out his arms for Remi. “Let your dad get on with business. Let’s go get your flowers and get you back to Mommy.”

“Okay,” Remi paused to kiss me on the jaw and then held out her arms to Jensen so he could take her.

“Are you all done greeting guests, then?” Jensen asked her.

“Mmmmm….” She looked around and pointed. “Nana, can you help me? Those people over there need to be talked to.”

My mom patted her cheek. “Of course, Darling. You go be with your mommy. You can see everybody at the reception.”

Remi nodded and Jensen carried her in the opposite direction. “Daddy!” She called over his shoulder.

I turned at the sound of my name just in time to see her blow me a kiss. I pretended to catch it and held it over my heart with both hands.

I made my way around the room to speak to many of my old Arsenal teammates that I hadn’t seen in months, who were there with their own families. Coach Noonan and Arsène Wenger were seated in the second row back on the groom’s side. I shook both of their hands, honored that they’d made the trip.

“We miss you, my boy,” Coach Noonan offered. “You’re welcome back with your mates anytime.”

“Thank you, Coach. I miss Arsenal, I won’t lie.”

“It’s an open offer.”

Mr. Wenger patted me on the arm. “The little one looks healthy. So beautiful.”

“She’s good! A little precocious, if I’m honest.”

“All of the good ones are.” He winked.

There was a string quartet playing classical music in the background and I took my place near the front of the altar. Kevin appeared a few minutes later and took his place to my left. “Is everything okay?”


The sun was almost down and the sky was painted in brilliant pinks and violets behind the castle in the background. My dad escorted my mom to the front row of chairs and seated her right on the aisle. He met my eyes and then walked back up the aisle to wait for Teagan to arrive.