Page 119 of Trading Yesterday

The emotion between us was as intense as the desire; so intense I couldn’t contain it. If we melted together, it would never be close enough. I pulled my mouth free to breathe, but words burst from me as my mouth hovered over hers. Our hips continued to work against each other, the pleasure still building to the point of no return. “I want to have another baby,” I said, urgently.

“Oh, Chase,” Teagan cried, her hands came up to hold my head at the same time as she raised her knees higher. I sank even deeper into the cradle of her body. She was crying softly as we made love, and emotion stung my eyes and made my throat tighten. It was like everything with Teagan; a combination of heaven and hell, pain and bliss, incredible pleasure and insatiable want. She was everything. We were everything.

“Say yes,” I panted, in time with my thrusts. “Oh, God, say yes.”

Her body arched against mine and she shuttered, her legs trembling. Her arms and legs caged me in as the intensity of her orgasm pulsed through her. Her body contracted and convulsed, sucking blissfully and mercilessly on mine.

Wave after wave of pleasure washed over me as I came hard inside her. She held me; kissing the side of my face as my body jerked against hers as I rode it out. I stayed inside her because I couldn’t bear to separate from this woman who owned my heart, body, and soul.

I was breathing hard when I rolled to my side, pulling her leg up and over my hip. I pushed a tendril of her sweat-dampened hair back behind her ear and wiped at the tears on her face with my fingertips.

I bent to kiss her softly. It was gentle but intense. The salt of her tears landed on my tongue. “Teagan, I love you and Remi more than anything. Say yes.”

Teagan cupped the side of my face, her fingers moved into my hair to stroke it softly over and over. I was dying, waiting for her to speak.

A soft, contented sigh filled the space between us. I ran a thumb over her lower lip and I could tell she was smiling softly.



We spent the week at Disney World.

England, Scotland, and France to see real castles, but the enthralled look on her face when she saw Cinderella’s Castle in the Magic Kingdom, was priceless.

Her grandparents went nuts and my mom had Remi, Mandi and Mellie decked out in different princess dresses every day we were there. We’d have to buy another suitcase just to get the damn things home. I laughed at the thought. It was one hundred percent worth it.

Kat’s boys, Jackson, Jace, and Jalen were more rambunctious than the girls because they were a bit older. Thankfully, there were enough adults in the party to keep them all in line, and everyone had a great time.

My entire family was with us, including Jensen and his mom and dad. Somehow, we’d ended up closer than ever, and for that, I was thankful.

The kids were the perfect age for Disney, and Remi was having the time of her life. She loved her cousins and they had embraced her with open arms. She was healthy and happy and was about to finish kindergarten.

It was early April and my first season with the U.S. National team was behind me. Teagan and Jensen’s divorce had been smooth and had happened within a month of Remi getting out of the hospital, and I’d given her an engagement ring shortly after, but we still weren’t married because Remi insisted princesses marry princes in castles. I’d rolled my eyes at the time, but Teagan convinced me to go with the flow. It was tolerable, only because we were living as a family, and the whole thing was being planned. My mother and sister were totally on board with Remi’s vision for the wedding. What the hell did I know of shit like that? I was just a guy.

The delay also helped put time between the divorce and our marriage, which I felt was the right thing to do. Jensen told me that he knew from experience it was a better choice to shut up and go with the flow and let media madness die down. It was easier, anyway.

After the week in Orlando was over, the rest of the group were taking a Disney Cruise, and I was taking Teagan to Turks and Caicos for our long-awaited honeymoon. Remi had Jensen and two sets of grandparents to dote over her, so we had no doubt she wouldn’t even miss us. I was looking forward to finally being married, and adding to our family like Teagan had promised me last fall.

“Are you ready?” Jensen, dressed in a full dress black tux poked his head in the door. We were getting dressed for the ceremony in one of the rooms of the upper floor of the castle, and we were getting married in the East Pavilion of Magic Kingdom.

I chuckled. I was struggling to tie a black bow tie in the mirror and I glanced at his reflection. “Hell if I know. I’m ready to be married, but I’m not sure if I’m ready for the hoopla.”

He came in, already fully dressed. “Yeah. It was a trip yesterday. Remi was inviting everyone she came in contact with.”

I nodded with a grin. “I know. I think Mickey, Minnie, and Goofy have front row seats.” Many of my teammates from the U.S. team and Arsenal were here, too. “I guess it was a good idea to have it here. Everyone gets a vacation with their families, at the same time.”

“It will be good,” Jensen agreed. “Knowing Teagan, I’m sure it will be perfect.”

He came in and sat down on a chair in the sitting room of the suite. I finally got the tie done in a way I was happy with and reached for my jacket, shrugging into it.

“I really appreciate you being here, Jensen. I don’t want this to be hard for you.” I never asked either he or Teagan about their wedding because honestly, I hadn’t wanted to know, but I realized that asking him to be my best man might cause residual feelings.

“I’m fine, Chase. Teagan and I didn’t have a wedding. We just went to the courthouse and the justice of the peace. Nothing like this.”

In the months since the divorce, we’d fallen into an easy friendship that was reminiscent of our college days. Remi spent time with Jensen at his place, and we had chosen to domicile near the new national training center in Kansas City because it was much closer to Atlanta than the one in Carson, California. The new city was good because it was a clean slate for Teagan and me, and we were able to make a lot of new memories. I had to travel often for games and sometimes for training, but it was a hell of a lot closer to Jensen than London. It wasn’t always easy, but we made it work.

“Have you seen Remi? How is she doing?”