She was in a beautiful dress as vibrant as the expression on her face, and she started bouncing to the music with me, clapping and doing the steps right along with me. She was doing a great job at keeping the beat and she probably knew the steps better than I did.
I was laying it on thick, singing to Remi directly. I felt Teagan’s eyes on me, certain that she was peaking around the doorframe, probably with a huge grin plastered on her face. When the chorus started, the rest of them poured in through the doorway and filed out around. Teagan went to my right; Kat and Jensen to the left and the nurses behind us in a second row. “Mommy! Jensey!” Remi shouted, jumping up and down. “Yay! Yay! Yay!”
Everyone did amazing and seeing that much life in Remi almost brought me to tears. It was such a change and it choked me up. I had to concentrate hard not to lose it. It was incredible that Teagan and Kat had this put together. I thought it was just going to be Teagan and me, but this was incredible. Everyone gave their all for three minutes of joy for my little girl. It was uplifting and inspiring. Teagan was laughing and crying at the same time and I wanted to hug her. Seeing Remi so well was a true miracle. I mean… it was.
The only thing that could have made it better was if Remi could be out here with us and I could have put her on my shoulders, but as it was, she was so happy; singing along with the song, dancing, and clapping. Her face radiating joy. It was priceless. It was our own mini flash mob.
And incredible as it was, my mother, stood up next to Teagan and joined us. Oh, my god, I wished this whole thing was being recorded!
When the song ended, everyone hooted and clapped, the women were all crying. I hugged Teagan and kissed her. “It’s incredible. She’s incredible!”
Teagan nodded, a tear slipping from her eye and she brushed it away quickly. My mother stood back with both hands clutched at her chest.
I turned and quickly knelt down to talk to Remi. “Hello, sweetheart.” I placed one hand on the glass and one over my heart as I looked into her green eyes. She had a pink flush to her skin that was new. Deep in my heart, I knew she’d be okay.
Remi stepped up to the glass and placed her little hand up to mirror mine. Mine dwarfed hers. “Hi, Daddy.”
I swallowed hard, blinking so I wouldn’t lose it. “I missed you so much, Remi. You’re so amazing! You’re so beautiful, and you did so great!”
Remi was all smiles, though I couldn’t help a tearful laugh. “I can’t wait to hold you and play with you, all the time!”
“Remi,” Kat said from behind me. “Why don’t you show Daddy, Mommy and Jensey your surprise, honey?”
Her eyes grew into round saucers. “Oh. Wait!”
She ran off to a corner of the room near the bathroom and disappeared. I assumed she was getting something. I stayed on my knees but glanced up and grabbed the hand Teagan had placed on my shoulder. My mother sat in the big chair near me, and the two sofas were behind us, pushed back, I assumed, so there would be enough floor space for all of us. “What is she getting?” I asked with a quizzical frown.
“She drew some pictures of you playing soccer today,” Kat answered.
“What’s taking her so long?” Jensen wondered.
I looked at my mom and she winked at me. I turned back to the window, waiting for my baby girl. We were all waiting.
“Surprise!” Remi said from behind us. “Hahahaha!” Her magical laugh filled the room, but not on the intercom.
“Oh, my God,” Teagan exclaimed, bending to swoop up the exuberant little girl as she ran into the room. “Remi! You’re out! Oh, baby!” She was crying again, holding Remi tight and kissing her cheek in a succession of ten kisses.
I didn’t know how it happened but I ended up on my feet, standing next to them with both arms wrapped tightly around them both. Remi had one arm around my neck and one around Teagan’s. “Remi,” I breathed, finally giving in to emotion. I kissed her silky light brown hair. “I can’t believe this!”
Dr. Radar stood in the doorway, smiling from ear to ear. “We got’em good, huh, Remi?”
“Yup! We got em!” Her brilliant smile filled up my heart and looking at Teagan, I knew she was equally moved.
I kissed Remi again. It felt amazing to hold her and I didn’t want to let go of her, but I noticed Jensen sitting on the edge of one of the couches, brushing away a tear of his own. The last thing I wanted was for him to feel like he was on the outside. I nodded in his direction so Teagan would see him sitting there. She nodded and let me take Remi from her. I walked with her over to where he was waiting and sat down beside him with Remi in my arms. “Baby, is there anyone else who you think needs a hug?”
Remi nodded. “Jensey!”
Jensen was as overcome with emotion as the rest of us when Remi went immediately into his embrace and onto his lap. “Hey, squirt.” His eyes, full of gratitude, met mine over her head.
“Jensey, how come you and Daddy are crying?”
“We’re happy, I guess.”
She shook her head and questioned logic like only a five-year-old can. “I think it’s silly to cry unless you’re sad. You’re not sad, are ya?” She frowned at him.
“No, honey,” Jensen answered. Remi put a hand on his cheek and he kissed her on the forehead. “Far from sad! We’re all just so happy you can be with us like this.”
I stepped back to slide an arm around Teagan.