Page 115 of Trading Yesterday

“He’s been amazing. We won’t need to go to court and we are using the same lawyer. All he wants are the same visitation rights any normal father receives in a divorce.”

I nodded. I expected nothing less.

“How do you feel about that, Chase?”

“I feel… that she loves him and he loves her. He is my best friend, Teagan. I have a lot of friends in London, both on the team and off, but none like J. We just have to figure out how to make it work. I want to make sure to take any outstanding medical bills and to pay him back for the others.”

“He doesn’t seem to care about the money.”

“I see that, but I want to make it right.”

“I’m not sure he’ll take it. He’s trying to give me half of the house, but I want him to keep it. I figure he’ll need it so she can come stay with him sometimes. ESPN will always be in Atlanta and he should keep it.”

It was noble of Jensen to want to split the marital assets, but I had plenty of money, Teagan would probably go back to nursing if Remi went back to school. It didn’t escape my logic that he’d married her to take care of her, and there was no way I’d let her take any money in the divorce. “I think that’s a good plan. We have the shitty apartment, anyway,” I mocked, amused. “Isn’t that every woman’s dream?”

Teagan and I both started chuckling as I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and quickly navigated through it. I found a space on one end and smoothly parked the car.

I needed to talk to her about the USMNT offer, but we had time later. In that second, I was more interested in seeing my daughter. It was early evening and the southern air was warm and fragrant and it hit me as we got out of the car. “Wait,” I told Teagan so I could hurry around and open the door for her. London didn’t smell like this, and the air wasn’t as soft. It was much cooler all the time, and it drizzled more. “My lady,” I opened the door and bowed slightly.

She laughed softly and climbed out, taking the arm I offered her. She had her purse over her shoulder but her phone was in her hand, using speed dial to call someone. “Hey, Kat. We’re here. Five minutes.” She hung up the phone and shoved it back into her bag. “Are you ready to dance?” she asked.

“Oh shit!” I exclaimed. I’d forgotten the iPad in the bag and it had the two videos on it. “I forgot something in the car. Just a second.” Leaving Teagan to wait, I ran back, opened the back, unzipped and pulled out the tablet from on top of my clothes.

“What was that about?”

“You’ll see.”

“Okay. So here’s the plan when we get upstairs, Kat will start the song. We have one of those little blue tooth speakers on her side and one on the living room side, and her iPod is connected. She’ll start playing Happy and we’ll go through the door and surprise her, dancing to the song. Okay?”

I couldn’t help the silly smile on my face. “So, I have to dance like a moron before I get to talk to my kid, is that it?” Teagan didn’t know about the videos and I wanted to surprise her, too. I’d share them after I’d gotten to talk to Remi.

She nodded. “Not like a moron, necessarily. That’s up to you,” Teagan answered, tongue in cheek.

By now we were at the elevators and I pressed the button and when the doors opened, I pulled her inside. “Okay.

After we arrived on the floor, I waited while Teagan texted Kat. Jensen was waiting outside Remi’s room, leaning up against the wall. “Ah, another dancing moron,” I said. He smiled and nodded, with a roll of his eyes.

“Remi knows this dance from start to finish, so don’t let me down.” She was practically whispering.

Kat appeared at the door to the room. “Roma is in here with Remi, and doing a fine job of distracting her. Dr. Radar said he couldn’t make it, Teagan, sorry.”

“Awww!” she said and stomped her foot on the white tile. “That’s too bad. What about the nurses?”

“Should be here any minute.”

Obviously, it was going to be a bigger production than just four of us, and I thought it was awesome that so many people were going to do this for Remi. As if on cue, the elevator doors opened and out stepped two nurses and a student who I recognized from the first week after I’d come to Atlanta. They were some of Remi’s regular nurses on the oncology floor. “When did you have time to teach everyone this dance?”

“Dude, only you had to be taught. The rest of us just watched Pharell’s video,” Jensen said drolly. “Jeesh.”

Kat glanced at all of us. “Okay, are we ready? We’ll line up and go in one-by-one every few bars, right?”

“This is gonna be freaking awesome,” the nursing student said. “You guys are awesome.”

“I’m going in first,” I said. After all, I was playing Pharell, but even Teagan didn’t know how much I was into it.

I was super excited to see Remi’s face when I popped around the corner and started to dance for her. We lined up; me, Teagan, Jensen, Kat and the three nurses and when we were done, Kat took out her phone and in seconds the music was starting; Bomp! Bomp! Bomp!

I jumped into the doorway and started lip-syncing and keeping the beat, clapping. Remi’s head had popped up when the music started and her face lit up like a lantern. She squealed and started giggling. “Daddy! Look Nana! It’s Daddy! He’s doing Happy!”