I had a new dress of small cornflower blue flowers scattered over a cream fabric. The neckline was scooped just enough to show the top swell of my breasts, and it was lightly gathered below and an empire waist. There were small cream buttons from the neck to the waist. The bra and panties I had on beneath it were in soft ivory lace. I almost blushed thinking about Chase’s reaction. I’d worn it to tease him. No doubt he’d be thinking about the thong I’d had on under the dress in the surgery recovery room.
“Yes,” I agreed. “I can’t wait to see him.”
“Well, you’re glowing.” Kat winked at me.
“Kat, I’m so thankful for Remi’s recovery, for Chase coming back into our lives, and all of you. For Jensen being so amazing about it all. I never dreamed life could be this good.” I couldn’t help the sting of tears at the back of my eyes and the tightness in my throat. “I mean, it’s all so surreal. Two months ago, it was as if the world was about to end, and now, everything is amazing. The future is brighter than I’d ever hoped. The only thing that worries me is how Remi will do without Jensen all the time.”
“Have faith in both of those men, Teagan. They’re both doing right by you. Trust them.”
Her words sank into my very soul. It was true. “Thank you, Kat,” I said and hugged her. I walked to the glass. “Give me a kiss, baby girl,” I said before pressing my lips to the glass. She ran over and kissed it on her side. The giggled when the lipstick imprint of my mouth remained in pink lipstick. “Thanks, Roma. Chase says thanks, too.”
“He can damn well thank me in person!” When she smiled, I could see Chase’s smile. He had his father’s eyes, but his nose and mouth were all his mother.
I put a hand on her shoulder. “Are you ready to dance?” I whispered with a saucy grin.
Her eyes sparkled with laughter. “No, but that won’t stop me.”
“Be good for Nana and Auntie Kat, Remi.”
“And Nurse Nancy,” the nurse said. “She has to eat her lunch.”
“I don’t like it,” Remi whined. “It tastes yucky!”
“You have to get your strength up, doll face,” Kat said to Remi, before giving me a blank, wide-eyed stare as she crossed her arms over her chest. “However, everyone knows health food blows,” she added sardonically.
I gasped loudly, grabbing my purse. “Kat!” I reprimanded with a wide-eyed look.
“What? It’s the truth!”
“Not always!”
“Ninety-nine percent of the time!” She was clearly enjoying taking Remi’s side of the argument.
I wanted to distract the little girl’s attention from Kat’s remark hoping I could get her talking about the sky, the sun and airplane germs. “Remi, why don’t you tell Auntie Kat what you learned today.”
She giggled. “Okay. Health food blows!”
My mouth dropped open. I was speechless as I looked at my daughter. She was grinning from ear to ear, and her head cocked to one side.
Her precociousness was a sign she was getting better. “Remilia Victoria!” I admonished, sternly, biting my lip so I wouldn’t laugh.
Remi burst into a fit of giggles. “Hahahaha!”
“Oh, goodness!” Roma let out a peal of laughter and the nurse rolled her eyes inside her plastic helmet.
Kat high five’d Remi through the glass. “Now, that’s funny!”
There she was.
Teagan was waiting for me in the very spot she said she’d be; the same place I’d seen her for the first time after six years of separation. She was simply stunning. I stopped for a few seconds to just look at her. Her long legs were bare underneath a white and cream baby doll style dress, and her hair was curling gloriously around her. She had on high heels that made her legs look even longer. She was slim and strong, and gorgeous. She was mine.
Teagan’s teeth flashed in a brilliant smile when she saw me and then quickened her steps, shortening the distance between us. Though I would have been happy to just to look at her, I wanted to get her in my arms, so I quickly started walking her way. I was wearing a dark grey hoodie and my RayBans with three days growth of beard, hoping to hell I wouldn’t get recognized. I had a black duffle with me but made a conscious decision not to take my team bag with the Arsenal logo plastered on the body of it.
It didn’t take ten seconds and the bag was at my feet and I was holding her tight against me. I closed my eyes, smelling her perfume, feeling her round breasts pressing into my chest, and reveling in her hands holding the back of my head when I bent to take her mouth with mine. She tasted delicious; like mint and vanilla, and Teagan.
I sucked in a deep breath at the start of the kiss so I could keep at it long and deep without the need to pause. Our tongues laved and tasted, plunging into each other’s mouths as we feasted on each other. I didn’t care if anyone was watching; the whole world could have melted away and I wouldn’t have noticed. I lost myself in Teagan, in the sensations of having her in my arms, of tasting and teasing her lips with mine. My heart was pounding against her chest and I wasn’t sure if it were mine, or hers. The kisses, that started out fast and desperate, lessened to slow, deeply connected, and languid.