Page 111 of Trading Yesterday

“I know you stay with Remi every night, but why don’t you give my mom a call and ask her to drive down just for tonight. I miss you and as much as I love Remi, we need time together, too. I’d call her, but they are pushing back and this is the last call I can make.”

“I know.” There was a promise in her voice that couldn’t be denied. If I weren’t careful, I’d have a problem that would be difficult to hide. Thankfully, the woman to my left already had her laptop out and headphones in both ears, and anyone in front or behind me wouldn’t be able to hear or see me.

“I splurged on the extra airfare for one of those new planes with those sleeping pods in first class, so don’t expect me to be tired tonight if you know what I mean. I can’t wait to get my hands on you.”

“That sounds really nice.” There was a sultry purr to her tone that caused a physical reaction in my pants. I pulled the plastic wrap off of the blanket that had been waiting in my seat and draped it over my lap to hide the evidence from the flight attendant passing out flutes of champagne.

“It will be, I promise.”


“Okay, no more sexy moaning and teasing me until you can do something about it.”

A musical laugh tinkled through the phone. “Okay, you poor thing,” she taunted. “I’ll change the subject. Did you learn the dance?”

“Yes,” I said, purposely bemoaning. I wanted her to think that I hated every minute of it and I’d only done it because she insisted. “I learned the goddamned thing, but I suck at it.” It was a flat-out lie, but I wanted Teagan to be as surprised as Remi. “I figured you’d threaten to hold out on me if I didn’t acquiesce.” I was so anxious to see her, it wasn’t just the sheer happiness on my face, but my body was literally vibrating with anticipation. This was so different than the plane ride I took to Atlanta two months before, when my heart was fighting my head and when I was praying she’d be so different. Now, nothing could be further from my heart. I loved that she was still the same girl I loved in college. Only now, she had my daughter. Life was good.

“That’s weird. You used to dance well.” She was skeptical and I should have known I couldn’t fool her. We went out dancing every weekend when we were at Clemson.

“I guess I’m out of practice,” I offered as a lame attempt at a feasible explanation, almost cringing when I said it.

“Well, try to look like you’re having fun, at least. Jensen and Kat are going to come to the hospital and do it with us, too. Since Remi can’t come out yet, I just thought it would make her day if we surprised her by dancing for her outside that window.”

I sighed deeply. The only thing dampening the homecoming was that Remi was still in that damn glass cage. “I know it’s only been a little over two weeks since the transplant, but I can’t help wishing she’d get out of there.”

“Me, too, babe. She will, soon.”

“I know. I just want her to be better.”

“She is. She’s amazing. She’s got so much energy back and the bloom is back in her cheeks. I can’t wait for you to see her.”

“Well, it’s not long now. I hate to go, but the flight attendant is asking me to stash my phone because they’re starting those damn recordings.”

“I’ll pick you up at the airport.”

“Okay, baby. I’ll see you in nine hours.”

“I’ll be waiting where I was the last time so you’ll know right where to find me.”

“Can’t wait. I love you. Tell Remi, too.”

“I will. We love you, too.”

I shut off my phone and took one of the flutes that was offered, downed it and reclined my chair almost to prone position settling in before the plane even got off the ground. Hopefully, sleeping would be easy and I’d be in Atlanta before I knew it.


“Mommy! Mommy!” Remi was so excited.

She was wearing a new dress that Kat had given her. It was a beautiful explosion of fuchsia, lime green, orange, and yellow floral on a bright white background that brought out the new pink hue to her now plumper cheeks. Her hair was in two high side pony tails with matching bows around them. “Are you getting Daddy, now?”

She was jumping up and down on the bed behind the glass gleefully, it was the most energy I’d seen her exhibit in months; since her last remission. We’d been able to bring clothes and toys in for her because the hospital had an ultraviolet irradiation machine that killed germs similar to how Remi’s bone marrow had been prepared for the transplant. She was able to have her iPad, Bennie the elephant and Jewel the dog, as well as some of her favorite stories, coloring books, and crayons.

I couldn’t help but giggle. Remi was beside herself and it was the most beautiful, amazing thing I’d seen in three years. For myself, I felt like I was flying. Kat was in town and Roma was more than happy to come down when I called her. No doubt Kat was teaching her the Happy dance already. Jensen was just back from another assignment and would have to sleep tonight, but with both women here to stay with Remi; making it possible for me to have the night with Chase.

I’d taken a lot of care with my own appearance, too. I was primping in the bathroom on the family side of the isolation suite, but the door was open so Remi could see me as I put my lipstick on.

“You look pretty enough, Mommy. Go get Daddy!” She jumped up and down on the bed, and the motion lights in her new sneakers glittered. Normally, I’d never allowed her to jump on a bed like that, but this was a special occasion and it would be a day of surprises.