Page 109 of Trading Yesterday

“You don’t have to do that, Teagan. We all know how it is between you two.” Jensen said flatly.

“It just feels strange. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I know that.” Jensen looked me square in the face. His features didn’t hold anger or sorrow. “I also know where your heart is. We might as well just get on with moving on.”

Jensen was one of the most unselfish people I knew. His heart was huge and he deserved all that life had to offer, and I hoped that the deep friendship that he and I had forged since we’d been married would remain with us. I hoped that he and Chase would be able to get back some of the closeness and trust that they shared in college.

“I hope we can all to be friends again, Jensen. And not just for Remi’s sake.”

“I know that, Teagan. We’ll be fine as soon as we get a divorce, and we can acclimate Remi to the changes. I want this to go as smoothly as possible, for her sake. It isn’t like we weren’t going to do this anyway, so stop worrying.”

Over the years, I’d grown accustomed to Jensen’s gentle, yet firm way of putting me at ease. Whenever there were problems or something upsetting, he had a quiet assuredness about him that calmed me down. He got me through the worst of my broken heart, he got me through the mess with my dad, he got me through Remi’s illness… I could always count on him. “Thank you. I don’t know what I would have done without you, Jensen. I want you to be happy.”

Jensen nodded. “I know that, Teagan.” He effectively turned the conversation to Remi. “The nurse said Remi’s dinner had been ordered, and after that they want her to rest. She needs as much sleep as possible, but her counts are getting better, and the nurse said Dr. Radar’s notes say he’ll check in late tonight. They seem optimistic. She seems busy with your parents, so I’m going to run home and get a few hours sleep. I have a trip to New Orleans tomorrow and I need to pack.”

“Do you leave early in the morning?”

“Mid-morning, but I’ll stop in to see Remi on the way to the airport.”

“Do you need me to drive you?”

“No. I’ll just park in long-term parking. It’s not a big deal. You should be here for Remi.”

He stood and I got up to hug him goodbye. He embraced me warmly and my own arms tightened around his shoulders. I was hoping to communicate how much he meant to me. “Thank you,” I said softly. “You’re a good man.”

He kissed my cheek, and half bent at the waist to shake Chase’s hand. “Don’t get up, I know you’re hurting.”

“Thanks for everything. Including the talk,” Chase said, sincerely.

“You bet. Let me know your schedule, so we can work it out so one of us is always here.”

“I agree.” Chase and Jensen were easy going with each other, and I could see a hint of how they used to be as friends shining through and it filled me with relief.

Jensen walked over to the window. Frank and Remi had somehow manipulated the nursing staff to move the bed closer to the glass and she was sitting in the middle of her bed jabbering away at her grandparents. Her face was animated and she seemed to be feeling pretty well. Her cheeks were rosy and she was smiling.

I settled back on the sofa next to Chase and we watched Jensen say his goodbyes. “Come on, give Jensey a kiss, Squirt.”

He and Remi leaned in to kiss the glass at the same time. It was the next best thing to a real kiss. “Mmwah!” Remi made an enthusiastic smooching sound. “Love you, Jensey!”

“I love you, too. Be a good girl and do what the nurses and doctors tell you so you can get better, okay?”

“I will, I promise.” He said goodbye to Chase’s parents and held up a flat hand to wave to us on his way out the door. Remi’s dinner arrived and the nurse got her situated with it. Remi’s demeanor was like that of any happy five-year-old who was the center of attention of doting grandparents leaving me to turn my attention back to Chase.

“Are you leaving?”

Chase wrapped a reassuring arm around me and pulled me close to his side. My heart stopped. I knew it was coming, but being faced with it was another thing altogether.

“Arsenal has a league tournament coming up in ten days and I’ll be okay to play by then. I’d rather not leave, but the club has been accommodating about my absence, so I feel I owe it to them to be there. Coach Noonan doesn’t think the team can win the whole thing if I’m gone, and I can’t really say no.”

“Remi will most likely still be in the hospital for a few weeks.” It would be selfish of me to ask him to stay. I didn’t do it six years ago when I was pregnant and I wouldn’t do it now.

“I’m hoping she is at least out of isolation, but either way, I’ll be back as quickly as I can. You can always hope we lose a few games, so I can come back sooner.”

He was casually teasing, offering an easy smile and a nudge, but it was obvious that he was itching to play in these games. The European Championships were much more visible on the world stage than the league games his team played inside the UK, but those wouldn’t be for a few months. I knew Chase, and he was driven to be the best, and his team counted on him. His dedication to his team and the game was part of who he was, and it was part of what I loved about him. “They’ll want you back permanently, soon.”

Chase’s fingers played with mine. He nodded. “They will. It’s presumptuous of me to ask you and Remi to pick up and move to England, Teagan.”

Just hearing those words filled my heart with panic. “I know, but how else will we—?”