Page 104 of Trading Yesterday

Frank smiled brightly, glancing at Jensen and me. “Okay. No cheeseburgers. What doesn’t she like?”

“She isn’t that picky, honestly. As long as it’s not cheeseburgers, though, I think we’re all good,” Teagan said with a soft half smile. Her eyes were heavy and I was sure the relief of the transplant being over, and being able to see Remi, would allow her to rest.

“Mom, would you mind looking in that cupboard for a couple of blankets? I’d do it, but the pain meds are wearing off.”

“Of course,” she went to do as I asked, and returned with two of the white cotton blankets that were standard hospital issue. She spread one over the top of me.

“Thanks, Mom. Can you give the other one to Teagan?”

“Surely!” Mom replied and spread the other over Teagan in a motherly fashion.

“Chase, you said you didn’t need a pill!” Teagan accused.

“I don’t want to get all drugged up before Remi wakes up.”

“I see. Okay. But please don’t let the pain get out of hand.”

“I won’t,” I answered as my mother went over and spread the other blanket over my girl.

“Thank you, Roma,” She murmured, pulling the blanket close and snuggling in and then smiling in my direction. “That was sweet of you, Chase.”

“I’m sweet,” I agreed happily. It did my heart good to see her so relaxed and unstressed. I only wished I was able to snuggle up with her. I knew she was tired and would sleep if she felt warm.

“And also humble,” she added with dry humor. Her eyes were closed, but a sweet smile graced her luscious mouth. I felt like love was about to explode every cell in my body. I felt protective, incredible, unconditional love and insatiable lust all at the same time. In my efforts to bury her in my past; trying to hate and forget her, I’d never been able to dull the love. It manifested as indescribable pain, and my regret at the loss of her had been profound and debilitating. I’d been miserable, and now, that same love was a blessing that could bring back every amazing memory like magic.

My mom followed the direction of my gaze and then bent and kissed my forehead. “We’ll see you in a little while.” She patted my cheek.

“Roma don’t dawdle,” my father admonished as he waited by the door. “The kid will starve waiting on you to get a move on.”

“I’m coming, Frank. Good grief!”

Minutes after they left, Teagan was sound asleep and Jensen was still engrossed in the game on television. I hesitated only briefly before pushing back the blanket and struggling into a sitting position. I groaned, causing him to notice that I was getting up.

“Do you need help?”

“Nah.” My muscles were working fine, but I felt like I’d been run over by a truck. The bruises were in the bone and the muscles. “They must have used a hammer and chisel. Fuck, it hurts,” I muttered using the couch itself to push me into a standing position. I hobbled over to the sofa where Jensen was sitting, and gingerly lowered myself down to his level.

“Why didn’t you just stay put, then? Or take the pain pills? If you wanted to watch the game, I could have pivoted the TV toward you,”

“It’s not the game I’m after. I want to talk to you, and I don’t want Teagan to wake up while I do it. I want to try to put what happened in perspective and talk man-to-man.”

“Oh,” he had the remote and seemed to consider whether he should mute it, but decided against it. “So talk.”

“Teagan told me that you two were planning on getting divorced years ago but it all changed when Remi got sick.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” He acknowledged without offering more. His blue eyes narrowed. “Where are you going with this? Didn’t you believe her?”

“I believed her, but I’m trying to figure out if that’s what you really want or if you’re just making a noble sacrifice.”

He huffed and leaned back, returning his attention to the screen. “What difference does it make? It’s what Teagan wants.”

“It makes a difference because as much as I hate admitting it, this fucked up mess is partly my fault. I’m ready to own it and I don’t want to make it worse.”

He looked at me, unflinching so I continued.

“I’m glad that Teagan and Remi had you. I know you love them both.”

He nodded slowly, his expression cautious. “Yeah, so?”