Page 100 of Trading Yesterday

The ache in my pelvis was still prevalent but my need to feel her body warmly sucking on mine, overpowered all else. “I doubt that’s it.” I waggled my eyebrows at her.

“Yeah, it's probably a bulge in the blanket,” she quipped, her brown eyes shining. She was flirting and it was glorious to see her so euphoric and carefree again.

Pain shot through me when we both burst out laughing. I winced but it was worth it. Happiness was like a blanket that was wrapping me up with Teagan, even if she was sitting four feet away in the chair against the wall of the small room.

The door slid open and the plump nurse with the rosy face and gleeful disposition appeared, and instantly my hands fell to my lap to hide the evidence I was still sporting. Teagan bit her lips and her shoulders started to shake when she started laughing.

“How we doing in here?” the nurse asked, glancing from Teagan to me. I could have sworn she knew exactly what had been going on in here just a minute before.

I cleared my throat. “Good. We’re good.” I knew I sounded as guilty as hell, but there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.

“That’s great to hear!” She pulled out a packet of alcohol soaked gauze and opened it, setting it on the metal instrument tray that sat near the bed. She rolled up the round little stool and sat on it. “Ready to get this IV out?”

Within seconds it was out and she was putting a Band-Aid over the little ball of gauze she’d held over the small needle wound. My other hand was still lying on my lap because I still had a bit of a problem. Not as much, but it was still there.

My clothes had been placed in a locker with my wallet, shoes and watch in the dressing rooms. The key was hooked to the hem of the gown I wore. “Do you need help getting dressed?” the nurse asked innocently, taking the key. “I’ll be back with your clothes and a wheelchair, so you can get out of here.”

“I don’t think I need a wheelchair.”

Her brows shot up and her mouth pressed into a thin line. “Is he always this difficult?” she asked Teagan.

“More,” she answered smugly.

“Oh, nice, Teag. Thanks.”

“I know you think you can move around fine, honey, but when you get dressed you’ll see it’s not so easy, and the pain meds we put in the IV are stronger than these pills.” She handed a little white envelope to Teagan. “The doctor is sending you enough hydrocodone for two days. I’d suggest only taking it if you’re going to sleep or if you can’t stand the pain without it. It will clog up your pipes,” she said matter-of-factly. “I’ll be back.”

“What if he has pain longer than that?” Teagan stopped her as she left the room.

“We’re cracking down on narcotics scripts. If you need more, you’ll have to call the doctor.”

She breezed out as quickly as she arrived.

“I won’t need the pills, babe.”

“Well, I don’t want you to suffer if it’s not necessary.”

“I know. I’ll be fine.”

“You’re such a guy,” she huffed wryly.

“As evidenced by the giant wood I had to hide from that old lady.”

“Epic fail. Like she didn’t see it. Please. Is she gonna find your sexy superman underwear in the locker?” she taunted.

“You know you’re gonna get it later.”

The nurse came back with the wheelchair and my clothes were neatly folded in the seat, amid Teagan’s soft giggle.

“Okay, if you’re sure you don’t need help, I’ll leave you in this lovely lady’s capable hands,” the nurse said and turned right around and left.

I eased myself gingerly to the edge of the bed, at the same time that Teagan made sure the curtains were completely shut. I pulled off the gown and looked down at my body. There were two small butterfly bandages on the top of my hips and I felt behind me and found two more a bit lower down. The doctor said there would be four small incisions to let the needles go in but there wouldn’t be stitches, still, if they had to cut the skin before inserting those needles, they must have been monsters. I had a burning sensation start with the throbbing and there were dark purple bruises starting around the incisions.

“Uhhhh!” Teagan gasped when she turned around holding the folded pile of clothes in her hands. “Oh, my god! Chase, that looks bad.”

I motioned for her to hand me my boxer briefs so I could start putting them on. I was more than sore, but damn if I was going to admit it. “Don’t worry sweetheart. This is nothing.” I winced out a smile as I pulled them up and started to repeat the process with the dark denim. Teagan helped me on with my shirt and shoes and I didn’t argue with her. It hurt like a son of a bitch but I did my best not to let Teagan know how much.

It was good of Jensen to keep us updated via text but I wanted to see for myself. She opened the door to the room then patted the back of the wheelchair. She was already standing behind it, waiting to wheel me out. “Don’t argue.” Her voice and expression were stern. “It’s too far for you to walk right after surgery. You might pass out.”