Page 91 of Trading Yesterday

Relief rushed through me at my family’s acceptance and support. Even Kevin seemed to be coming around. “Thanks, Dad. That means a lot.” My father’s confidence helped. I’d relied on him to put shit in perspective my entire life and so far, he’d pretty much nailed it.

“Yes,” Mom agreed, wiping more tears from her face. “I’ll pack some things after lunch. Kevin and Kat can take care of the house and business, right kids?”

Kat nodded and Kevin agreed. “Yeah. We’ll be fine.”

“Mom, Dad; I only ask one thing; Teagan’s really hurting, and she’s been dealing with Remi’s illness for three years. I know you’re probably angry, but please don’t confront her or Jensen about any of this. We’re dealing with it in our own way. I’ll tell you the details eventually, but right now it’s just too much to dig through.”

“But what about—” Mom began.

“Roma,” Dad chastised. “Leave the boy alone.”

“I just was going to ask when we’d get to meet our granddaughter.”

“Soon. When the doctors clear it.” I answered. “Teagan and I agree that I’ll be in her life, and that means, she’s part of this family.”

“Will it be a custody fight?” Kevin asked. “Obviously, you can crush him. You’ve got the dough.”

“No. My name is on Remi’s birth certificate, but she loves Jensen, so for her sake, I won’t force him out of her life.”

“Wow,” Kevin said, getting up and walking back into the kitchen. “I’d have beaten the shit out of him, at least.” He called behind him. “I mean, we all thought you and Teagan would get married after graduation.”

“Yeah. Who said I didn’t kick his ass, Kevin? It still stings, but going forward, we all have to put Remi first.”

“How does Bronwyn fit in?”

“She’s not fitting in.” I flushed. “Like I said, it’s a long story, and Remi is the focus.”

“You’re acting like a real man, Son. Life is hard, and a man is measured more by how he handles the bad shit. A man does what needs to be done for his family no matter the sacrifice to himself. You make me very proud, Son.” My dad nodded his approval. His features were filled with admiration.

“Very,” Mom agreed. She came to me and rose up on tiptoe to kiss my cheek. She patted my chest. “I can’t wait to meet her. I’m sure I’ll adore her.”

“She’ll love you, too.”

“Come in and eat. I made your favorite.”

“Chicken Parm?” I asked, already knowing the answer. I smiled and followed her into the kitchen.

“Of course!”

With the knot in my stomach now gone, lunch sounded good. I felt sure that when they heard the whole story about Teagan’s father’s threats and Bronwyn’s deception, that they would forgive Teagan, too. One look at Remi and they’d be owned just like I had been.


Remi was in isolation up on the tenth floor and we’d been unable to see her since her radiation. She took it better than I did. The nurses played with her and convinced her the whole thing was like an adventure, so she went into it well, but it was the after effects I was worried about. The high-dose radiation was given to her entire body, so she would likely have side effects of vomiting and headaches, among others.

My heart ached because she’d be suffering and I wouldn’t even be able to comfort her. There is nothing worse for a mother than for her child to be hurting and being unable to help. No doubt she’d be crying for me.

Jensen and I were with Chase in the outpatient center waiting room. The whole thing from prepping him until he’d be discharged would be six or seven hours. Remi would receive the new marrow before Chase was even out of anesthesia.

Jensen was more used to long hospital waits, and he’d flung himself into one of the chairs by the window with his legs sprawled in front of him as he fiddled with his phone.

“Is he okay?” Chase asked, nodding in Jensen’s direction.

My eyes followed his lead. “Yes, I think so. He’s always been so strong, but I know he’s scared, too.”

“I’m surprised he’s here. It’s to speak to Remi’s doctors, isn’t it?”

“That’s part of it, but he’s still your friend, Chase.”