Before long he held a bottle of golden liquid in one hand and two shot glasses in the other. I followed him to a table outside the club where it was less chaotic. He placed the tequila and two glasses down before pulling out the chair for me.
“Thank you,” I said and sat down.
That was another point in his favor—not that I was keeping score.
“What brings you to Cancun, Peyton?”
“Alyssa and I are celebrating.”
“Well, you certainly chose the right place for it. What are you celebrating, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“She and I have just graduated from medical school.”
“Brainy and beautiful. Congratulations.”
“Thank you. What do you do, Mateo?” I just loved the way his name rolled off my tongue.
I wasn’t going to openly gush at his compliment. However, his dark eyes and sexy smile did make something inside my stomach flutter. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but there was something unusual about the man who’d spent a small fortune on the bottle of tequila he was now pouring from.
“I’m an investment banker.”
“Sounds exciting. Here in Cancun?”
“No, in Mexico City. Have you been there yet?”
“I have not.”
“Perhaps I could show you around. You haven’t been to Mexico, strictly speaking, that is, until you’ve seen our spectacular capital.”
Boy, this guy didn’t dick around when it came to going after the object of his desire. It was nice being pursued by a man for a change. The guys back home were the same age as Alyssa and me and what most of them possessed in brain matter, they seemed to lack in balls. Boys, all boys.
Okay, the accent was a turn-on, too.
“I may take you up on that offer,” I said and took a sip of tequila.
Alyssa and Gabriel emerged from the club, laughing and chatting.
“Gabriel and I are heading to a private party. A friend of ours has a place on the beach. Would you and Alyssa like to join us, Peyton?” Mateo asked.
I looked across at Alyssa before I answered. Her face told me everything I needed to know.
“Sure. Sounds like fun.”
“Yeah, I think I’ve had enough of this rowdy crowd for one night,” Alyssa said and inhaled a shot of tequila.
“Great,” Gabriel smiled and took Alyssa by the hand.
“Ready?” Mateo asked me.
* * *
I was more than a little impressed with Mateo’s friend’splaceon the beach. It was a luxury villa with spectacular views and an impressive art collection. I realized that I’d stepped into the world of beautiful people as soon as we arrived.
About fifty people were milling around. Mateo introduced me to the owner of the home, who I judged to be in his late thirties, or early forties. He greeted me warmly and insisted that Alyssa and I make ourselves at home.
“It’s nice to meet you, Adam. Do I detect an English accent?” I asked our host.