Carefully, I peer through the small opening to avoid being seen. I can see Charles sitting behind his gigantic mahogany desk, Jacquie and Donnie sitting beside each other, facing him.
“I asked Shorty to move to Tennessee with me,” Donnie says confidently.
“What do you mean, move in with you?” Charles asks.
“Honey, she can’t live with you in the fraternity house,” Jacquie says.
“I know that, Mom.”
“Son, please explain,” Charles said.
Donnie sighs. “I’m not staying with the team. I decided to get an apartment off campus.”
“What?” Charles and Jacquie both exclaim in a shocked tones. “Son, think about this. You’re going to college. Your focus should be on that and going pro. Isn’t that what you still want?” Charles asks.
“Yes, that hasn’t changed. But I want Shorty to be with me too. I’m not leaving her behind again.”
“Sweetheart, you’re not leaving her behind. You’re going to college.”
“In a different state,” he argues.
Charles gets up from his chair and sits on the edge of his desk, arms across his chest, looking at Donnie. “Son. I have come to love Shorty and adore her little girl, but you are taking a huge risk with your future.”
“Why is this such a big deal?” Donnie looks between his mom and dad; then his gaze lands on Charles. “My priorities haven’t changed.”
“Even if it means risking your future to play dad?”
Donnie abruptly gets up from his chair and paces the room. “Why can’t you trust me on this?”
“It’s not about trust, Donnie,” his mom says. “This is about doing what’s best for your future.”
Donnie stops pacing and faces his mom. “Sheismy future.”
“Sweetheart, you have your whole life ahead of you. There’s no need to rush anything,” Jaquie says in a gentle tone.
As if Donnie can sense my presence, he glances in my direction. His smile widens as he makes his way toward me.
“Come here.” He pushes the door open, grabs my hand, and leads me into the room.
“Hi, Sadie.” Charles gives me a warm smile.
“Hi. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” I turn to Donnie. “What are you doing?” I whisper for only him to hear.
“We need to tell them.”
My stomach churns, and I feel like throwing up.
“Tell us what?” Charles says slowly.
Donnie pulls me to his side, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. “Mom, Dad, Sadie’s pregnant.”
Fuck my life.
* * *
The room grows silent.