Page 61 of I Saved Him Too

Before I can tell Bianca to fuck off, Shorty yanks away from me, gets into her space, and slaps Bianca so hard that her face snaps to the side. Bianca holds her cheek as tears run down her face.

“You stay the fuck away from him. And the only trash I see is you,” Shorty hisses and walks past me to the front door, not waiting for a response.

I follow and catch up to her once we’re at the end of the driveway.

“Wait, baby, hold on a second.” I reach for her arm, but she pulls away from my grasp.

My chest tightens, making breathing hard as panic sets in.

“Shorty?” I swallow the lump in my throat.

She spins around and points to my chest. “This is why I don’t go to these types of parties. Why didn’t you tell me what she did to you?”

I rub my hands down my face. “Because I didn’t remember what happened, and I was afraid you wouldn’t forgive me if somethingdidhappen.”

“Is that what you think?”

I don’t respond. I was so ashamed of my behavior that night. If Addy hadn’t shown up, I would’ve made a big mistake, losing my future with Shorty.

She surprises me by wrapping her arms around my waist. She looks up at me, her chin hitting my chest. “Even if somethingdidhappen, I would’ve given you the benefit of the doubt.”

God, I love this girl.

“That was a nice slap.” I kiss her forehead, squeezing her against me.

“Yeah, well, next time, I’ll cut off her V-jay if she comes near you again.”

A deep chuckle comes out of me, and I hold her tighter. “Well, you won’t have to worry about that, because I willneverput myself in that position again.”

“Good.” She smiles, and I lean in for a kiss.

And all is right in the world again.

Chapter 23- Flashback

Josiah age 13, Sadie age 8


I want this day to be over already.

It’s my thirteenth birthday, and I have a black and blue bruise over my eye. Dad came home drunk last night and started to act like an ass, as usual. Sadie was in the kitchen getting something to drink and dropped the glass on the floor. I intervened when Dad raised his hand to slap her, but he hit me instead. Do I regret it? Nope. I will always protect Sadie, even if it kills me.

Thankfully, Dad left and hasn’t come back—yet.

The bruise isn’t why I want this day to be over—it’s my birthday celebration. Mom usually goes all out, but this year, I didn’t want a party, a cake, or a present. All I wanted was to spend time with my sister.

But as usual, Mom never listens. It was payday and Mom said she would take me and Sadie to eat at Francisco’s Pizza.

Now, pizza I can get down with.

“Jo!” Sadie shouts from outside my bedroom door.

Sighing, I pull off my covers and swing my legs over the bed. Right when I stand up to stretch, my door swings open.

“Happy Birthday, Jo!” Sadie singsongs wearing a ridiculous grin that always makes me smile, and her curly mop of hair is sticking up all over the place.

“Thanks, Sade.” I walk to the middle of the room when she runs into my arms, almost knocking me backward.