Page 6 of I Saved Him Too

“No, no. He wouldn’t leave me.” I look up at Seb, tears falling down my face. “He promised not to leave me. Seb, he’s okay, right?” I beg him to tell me it’s a cruel joke and that Jo is alive.

But that’s not what I see when I glance around the room—painful expressions covering their faces and tears flooding their eyes. Then I meet Donnie’s blue orbs, once shining bright as the sky, now clouded with sadness.

I turn away, not able to stomach the heartbreak on his face. Donnie is like a sponge—he absorbs every emotion pouring out of me. Even as a child, he tried to take on every tear I shed, erase every bruise on my body, and fill the void in my heart.

A burst of pain shoots through me.

“Oh, my God! No! He can’t be gone!” I scream and start pulling at my hair, ignoring the ache scorching up my arm.

I lay my head back and bury my head in the pillow as I cry out my grief.

Chapter 2-Donovan

I watch my girl break in front of me. Her pain-filled cries are fucking torture.

I can’t bear it anymore.

The way she tugs at her hair.

The way she looked at each one of us with desperation, hoping it wasn’t true.

The spark in her chocolate eyes is gone.

“Shorty,” I whisper, pulling her hand from her face. Her eyes are shut tight, but the tears keep falling and her lips tremble.

I have never felt so helpless.

When she finally opens her eyes, she turns to face me. The haunting look in her eyes guts me. “Donnie. He’s not gone,” she says through her quivering lips.

“God, baby, I wish it wasn’t true. I’m so fucking sorry.” I kiss the top of her hand.

She covers her eyes with her other hand and lets out a heart-wrenching wail.

“No. He is not dead,” she strangles out.

“Baby, yes—”

Sadie removes her hand from her eyes. “Stop saying that! Stop saying he’s dead! Why do you keep saying that?” she cries, her eyes wide.

I reach out for her, but she smacks my hand away.

“Don’t touch me!” she hisses.

Before I realize what’s happening, she tries to scramble out of the bed. “Shorty, please stop. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

“Let me go,” she seethes.

“Baby, please. How can I help you?” I desperately plead.

“Let. Me. Go.”

Shit. If looks could kill.

I slowly pull back, raising my hands in the air. “Okay, okay.”

“Sadie, I’m so sorry about your brother,” Detective Carter says.

“No. No,please. Jo’s not gone. Please stop saying that.” Her voice is quieter now.