“Watch me.” Ben arches a stupid brow, daring me to move past him. I didn’t give him any issues throughout the ride home. Why is he being like this? He is hurting my feelings. “When you needed to cool off, did I stop you? Get out of my way, Benny. I swear to God, you po… Benny.”

A moment passes between us, our eyes meet, and he lowers his outstretched arms. It’s a miracle I haven’t burst out crying. My eyes sting, but I must have exhausted all my tears in the bathroom.

“You are raising your voice at me, Gracie, and I really don’t like it.”

“You started it first,” I say, my voice much lower than it has been since our argument started. He’s still in my fucking way. “You shouted at me when we were in the car and here at home.”

“Sorry,” he says, reaching for my cheek. I swat his hand, and he pouts. He’s not winning my forgiveness that easily, but I am no longer interested in leaving the room. “I was so fucking pissed, still am.”

The vulnerability in his eyes makes my heart ache. My body sags. I let him hold me because we both desperately need it. I wait to have control of my emotions before freeing myself from him.

Ben expresses his disapproval with a frown, but I’m not babying him today. I would like to return to NYC. “I asked him then when we were trying to figure it all out,” he murmurs. “He promised to help me find the culprit. I can’t believe I thought he was my friend. Fucking idiot.”

“Yeah, well. That also makes you an idiot by association.”

His lips twitch. “Do you still need to cool off?” he whispers. I sniff, taking my time to answer. He pushes away from the door. “I understand, and I’m sorry I tried to stop you from leaving.”

“It’s cool.”

“Promise?” he asks.

His eyes search my face for a negative answer. The door is in full view. If I try to leave, he won’t make a fuss. But I really need to sleep or nap. How did my parents manage this long?

“Yes, but just so you know, right now, you hold the same appeal as an expired coupon to me.”

“I can live with that,” he murmurs.

Opening his arms in a peace offering, he waits for me to cover the distance, then pulls me into a hug. I bury my face in his chest, and he plants a kiss on my forehead. I forgive him on the spot.

“Don’t be mad at Benny. He does stupid things sometimes, but he loves you with all his heart.”

I smile against his chest. The missing piece falls in. It takes a minute to understand why it hurt him more. It’s not because I hit Olivia. She deserved that. It’s because Noah’s behavior follows the same pattern as his stepsister. They both earned his trust first, then betrayed him. Noah betrayed him by hurting his girlfriend. And I protected Noah by keeping quiet about his role.

Remorse fleets through me. I pull Ben to the bed and sit on his leg so I can cup his face.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you as soon as she told me,” I tell him. His lips curl in a smile that never forms. I tighten his arms around me, hashing out the words in my head to prevent a misunderstanding. “I didn’t realize it was a big deal, but now I know better. And I’m sorry I raised my voice at you.”

“Me too. I didn’t mean to raise my voice, Gracie. You are my favorite person.”

My eyes widen. His declaration makes my heart soar. “Not Asher?”

“Not Asher. Gracie is my number one.” Ben brings my hands to his lips and scatters light kisses over my knuckles. I grab his hand to repay the gesture on his bruised knuckles and drop another kiss on his palm. “I think I broke the idiot’s nose. Fuck him. Don’t keep secrets from me, okay?”

It’s not okay because I’m hiding something from him. The part about my parents being too glad to keep their daughter in San Francisco doing God knows what with her boyfriend. That’s awful.

“What if knowing will hurt your feelings?” I ask.

“Just tell me. It’s left for me to deal with it my way. It will hurt more if you don’t tell me, and I’ll rather you hurt me with the truth than comfort me with a lie.” I sigh. Some things are best kept to yourself. Ben is not a mind reader, but he shakes his head. “Gracie, I’m serious. No more secrets.”


“Secrets ruin relationships, Gracie.” Sometimes. There are good and bad secrets, and if handled well, nothing will happen. I part my lips and pause. Ben smiles for me to relax. “I don’t want anything to ruin us. My mom and Josef tell each other every single thing. It keeps them going.”

“But there are some secrets you shouldn’t tell your partner,” I add. I’m losing this argument. I open his palm and trace the lines. “It’s meant for only you. Like when you do something silly.”

“If it’s not worth telling your partner, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it. Don’t you think so?”

My reply doesn’t come immediately. I stalk to the open luggage with clothes spilling out of it.