Moans slip from my lips. Ben lights up every part of my body with feather kisses. I part my legs for him to kneel between them. He kisses me again, slower this time, and I hiss when the tip of his dick pokes my entrance. Another inch slides in. My hips buck, and he pulls out immediately.
For fuck’s sake. Come on.
“Condoms,” he explains. I don’t know why we are whispering. “We forgot the condoms.”
I appreciate Ben’s thoughtfulness, but we were already getting into it. I smile at his firm backside as he walks away to ransack our luggage. He bends over my suitcase and winks as he retrieves a condom from the pack Maria gifted me. We came prepared. My boyfriend straightens up, tall and proud of his nakedness, while casually stroking his dick like this is a regular occurrence for us.
“Benny,” I call out to him and rub my legs together. “You are keeping your girlfriend waiting.”
The bed dips with his weight. He rips the packet of condom open and holds the latex dick-glove above his head. We both stare at it in fascination. “I… I have never used one of these before.”
Neither have I, but I don’t get a chance to say that. His lips are on mine immediately to quiet me. A whimper escapes as his head lowers to the valley between my breasts. He places a kiss there, then moves to the white patches on my stomach. The spots on my legs are next. He blesses me with a kiss on each area, taking away my insecurities and filling me with love and satisfaction.
His mouth descends on mine. I breathe out his name when he slides into me. Our eyes meet. I don’t know what I see in them, but it propels me forward to kiss him harder. His thrusts grow faster and more intense, but we don’t break eye contact. I think I just fell in love with him again.
Pure, undiluted bliss spreads through me. I feel him; I inhale him; I breathe him. He must feel the same. He offers me a smile and thrusts into me one last time. A sob locks in my throat, and my heart overflows with contentment. I hold him because words are not enough to express my feelings.
I love Ben. I love him with all my heart.
We take a nap after cleaning up. I don’t know if it’s the sex but a nagging need to be with Ben claws at my throat. I want to hide him from the world so he is mine alone, but he has other plans.
“Do we really have to go?” I ask a second time as we get ready to leave the house. He rubs the residue sleep in his eyes. “Benny.”
“Yeah. We have been inside since we got back.”
Fair point, but they need to understand. I want my boyfriend to myself. We step out of the room. I hold his hand on our way downstairs. He claims a spot on the couch, and I sit on his legs once he makes himself comfortable. The TV is on. Asher lies on the sofa closest to the TV, raising his hand long enough to wave at us. AJ. Asher J. Carter. How did I miss that tiny detail?
“What does the J in AJ stand for?” I ask.
“Jason. Asher Jason Carter,” Asher replies. He pokes his cheeks with his fingers and sticks out his tongue. He’s too cute. Dragging himself up, he strolls toward us with a grin. I rest my head on Ben’s shoulder while his palm runs up and down my arm. “Tessa, will you stay in my room?”
“No,” Ben answers on my behalf. I smack his chest, and he only adds, “It’s a no from her. Leave her alone.”
“I was not talking to you, Benny.” Asher tries to yank me up, but Ben’s arms circle my waist, and he shakes his head. Asher juts out his lower lip, eyes shimmering with tears that won’t fall. This manipulative cutie. “Tessa, will you come to my room? You spend all your time with Benny.”
“I’ll come to your room,” I tell the boy, and Ben groans. My big teddy bear. I soothe him with a chaste kiss, and he slants forward for another. To a smiling Asher, I mutter, “But I’ll sleep in Benny’s room, okay?”
His smile slacks. I stretch out my hand so we can agree on a handshake, but he swats it. “Tessa.”
“Do we have a deal? Yes, or yes?”
“It’s yes or no, Tessa. The options are not complete.” Asher looks on with expectations. I love him, but my smile doesn’t waver, and he grumbles, “Yes. Do you want to come sit with me?”
I want to sit with Ben, but my boyfriend drops a kiss on my ear. “You can go with him.”
Asher is still smiling when we hear it. A crash followed by the sound of something hard hitting the floor. Ben sends me a look as the voices grow louder. It’s undeniably Josef and Maddie.
Ben mutters something and rushes up the stairs before we make sense of his words. Fear shields Asher’s gaze. He loses interest in the animation on TV, and I pull him to my lap to distract him. It works for a few minutes. His eyes dart to the staircase, and his lower lip trembles. I know from Ben’s letters that having parents who fight isn’t new to him. But I think it’s a first for Asher.
I hope I’m wrong about them fighting. It must be a simple misunderstanding that escalated. I grab the remote and increase the volume to drown their voices. Ben isn’t back. I run my fingers through Asher’s hair, and he looks up at me with teary eyes. I try not to imagine how he feels. I never had to hear my parents fight. If I did, I could count the number of times on one hand.
“Do you think they are fighting?” he asks.
Most likely. It’s a screaming bout, but I don’t hear Ben. Just Maddie and Josef. Ben’s letters said his parents argued a lot before the divorce, but he mentioned nothing about Josef and his mom.
“They are probably having an argument. It happens with adults sometimes.” I stare into Asher’s eyes and see fear. It guts me, but I draw him in for a hug. “It’s okay, Champ. They will be fine.”