Mom walks in and places a kiss on Dad’s lips before dropping one on my cheek. Where was she when I needed her? We eat in silence, which is unlike us. I dart several glances at her. She isn’t dressed yet because she doesn’t have to leave for work now. Dad is all suited up. I’m wearing a crop top under a jean jacket today in case I get second thoughts about showing off my stomach.
Dad leaves the table before me. Mom smiles at his retreating figure, but it fades when her gaze lands on me. I think she’s still upset until she says, “He will come around. He’s just worried Ben will break your heart again.”
“He won’t.”
Mom cocks her head. “You can’t be so sure.”
“I’m sure. He won’t. He won’t break my heart again.” Her lips pull into a grim line. “I promise.”
Chugging down my glass of juice earns me a sneer from her. “Go. Your dad is waiting.”
I rush out the front door and get into the car. The ride to school is even more silent.
We arrive at school. Teenagers mill around the entrance. I look out for Calum since he is always early. Ben is nowhere in sight. We haven’t spoken since that fiasco. I don’t know where he lives.
I wait a few more seconds before opening the door. When I do, Dad calls out, “Tessa.”
My teeth sink into my lip. “Yes?”
“Your phone.” A flood of emotion surges through me. I pick it up from the console while trying too hard to keep the smile off my lips. It’s switched off. “Your mother and I are only doing what we think is best for you. It might seem harsh, but it’s in your best interest, alright? We love you.”
“Even if you and Mom don’t believe me, I swear we didn’t do anything. And I love you too.” I step out of the car and poke my head in through the window. “Yeah, I know. I’m still grounded.”
Dad’s laughter follows me as I hurry up the stairs. I don’t turn even once to know if he left. Since I have my phone, it doesn’t matter how many days I’m grounded. I can contact the boy I love.
Calum is the first person I see once I enter. We make eye contact, and he mutters something under his breath and darts to the empty hallway. My hands tighten around the straps of my bag.
I did the right thing. It would have been terrible to string him along when I love another person.
“Hey,” someone says. Ben. My lips twitch in a smile as he bridges the gap and pulls me in for a brief hug. His head jerks in the direction Calum went. My smile falls. “What was that all about?”
Ben chuckles at my silence. His hand slides into mine, and we begin the walk to my locker. He doesn’t say it, but I know he’s letting me tell him at my own time. I don’t know if to tell him. I don’t want Calum to be the Olivia of Crescent High. I doubt that’s possible. Calum is hurt, not evil. After getting my books for the periods before break, I drop my backpack at my feet and grab Ben by his collar. His hair isn’t as long as when he first resumed here. I look into his eyes.
These are the blue eyes I want to stare into forever.
“Gracie.” Surprise and joy lace his voice as his arms circle my wrists. “What are you doing?”
I don’t answer. Well, I let my lips do the talking and kiss him. Ben is flustered when I break the kiss. I grab my bag from the floor, but he pries it off my fingers and throws it over one shoulder.
We have hardly gone a few steps when I say, “Calum is ignoring me. Has been since we talked.”
Ben slows down. The hallway is empty, so there’s no one to hurry us. “When did you two talk?”
“On Friday, after you guys left.”
“After you agreed to be his girlfriend?” he sneers.
I smack his shoulder, and he laughs. He’s so full of himself, and I can’t say I didn’t miss this arrogant side of him. “Yeah, after. Well, he likes me, but I… I told him not to. I like someone.”
He stops completely, and his bushy brow knit together. I try to smoothen them, but he grabs my wrists to stop me. I need to trim them. “Who do you like?” he urges. “Go ahead, Gracie. Say it.”
Expression guarded, he crosses his arms. I place a kiss on his jaw. “You. I love you, Benny.” I feel the relief oozing off him. He hugs me so hard I struggle to breathe. “Benny,” I croak out.
His hold on my waist slacks for the briefest second, but he’s hugging me again and rubbing his nose against the crook of my neck. My hands slide down his back. “I’m no longer mad at you.”
Raising his head, he locks his eyes on mine. “You forgive me?” he whispers.
“Yes, I forgive you.” His smile improves everything, and my heart pounds faster against my chest. How did I survive without seeing his smiles daily? No idea. “But you are still an idiot.”