The aftermath of our orgasm rocks us. I collapse beside Gracie, and she inches closer to hug my sweaty body. Her matted hair sticks to her sweaty forehead. Sperm drips from my deflated dick. She catches some with her finger and dips it into her mouth. It is not supposed to be cute, but my insides explode with contentment. She’s such a sexy vision, with my cum glistening on her lips.
I rub my nose against hers. “So, you like cum.”
“Your cum,” she corrects. She takes another swipe at my oozing penis. She licks the finger clean without breaking eye contact, and my dick twitches into a semi. “Next time, you have to do it in my mouth.”
Tucking her leg between mine, she rests her head on my chest. We don’t talk about the fact I came inside her. At that moment, all that matters is Gracie and Benny and our new level of closeness.
“Sleepyhead, we have to clean up,”Ben says. I look at him with sleepy eyes and pout.
What if I don’t want to clean up? What if I want to stay here forever in his arms?
The air smells of sex and sweat. Yeah, we need to clean up. Rolling away from Ben causes pain to shoot up my legs, but I cover it up with a smile before Ben notices. There’s a dark spot of blood on the bed. We stare at it and grin at each other. It hurt a little, but I want to do it again.
My eyes lower to Ben’s penis. It’s the first time I am seeing it during the day. Ben waggles a finger to stop me from touching him, but I am not having it. He’s my boyfriend, the love of my life. I am allowed to touch him when I feel like it. He jumps off the bed before I can get to him.
Handsome coward.
I wince again as I try to get off the bed, and Ben notices. He squats in front of me to massage my thighs. It’s with good intentions, but the massage only succeeds in making me hornier and wetter.
“Does it hurt?” he asks.
Only because he is not inside me now. “A bit.” Ben chuckles. His hand inches forward, right on my vagina. I want him to slip a finger inside like he did earlier. I don’t know where he learned to do that finger-curling thing, but I love it. His finger brushes my clit, and he smiles. “Benny.”
Laughing, Ben retracts his hand and sweeps me off my feet. My arms wrap around his neck to keep from falling, and we freeze when someone knocks. His eyes widen. “Shit. The door is open.”
My gaze alternates between the door and his flustered face. He has got to be kidding me. We had sex without locking the door? What if someone had come in? The knock resumes, and I hide my face in his neck. We are naked. He needs to put me down before the person at the door enters.
“Kind of busy right now,” Ben screams at the door. I pinch him. “Come back later.”
The sound of fading footsteps eases the pressure on my chest. I twist Ben’s ear until he lets out a yelp. For my punishment, he loosens his hold on me, and I scream, clinging onto him for dear life. Fucker. The pleased look stays on his face till we enter the bathroom. It’s not as big as mine.
I enter the shower first. Ben leaves and returns with the bedsheet. He will have to do the laundry when no one is home. He folds it and dumps it on the sink. I turn on the shower while waiting for him. God, we had sex! I’m not a virgin anymore. Maria was onto something with those condoms. We haven’t used them yet, and I’m sure we will sometime soon. But I’m not telling her now.
Ben joins me in the shower. This will be our first shower together. For a few seconds, all we do is kiss, stare at each other and kiss some more. My heart skips a beat at the thought that creeps up on me. If he’s in SAS, we won’t get to do this often or ever. I kick the thought out of my mind.
“Are you going to stay in the dorms or off-campus?” His hand freezes midair, but I don’t let his countenance bother me. He squirts body wash on the washcloth and lathers me. I turn for him to scrub my back, using that time to gather my thoughts and courage. My breath hitches when he kneads my ass. My mind blanks for a nanosecond. “I think you should stay off campus, Benny.”
The silence that follows my suggestion has me spinning to look at him. My hand meets the tiled walls. There is no trace of excitement on his face. I guess it’s a stupid suggestion. We haven’t finished high school, and I’m already talking about college. We might not last the first year.
“So I can visit whenever,” I reply.
Ben sighs. “This isn’t how I pictured it. Our future. I thought we would live together.”
“We can,” I say. Ben stares at me, his uncertainty pushing lumps of doubt into my throat. I stand directly under the shower so the water mixes with the tears welling up in my eyes. “In the future.”
He looks as unsure as I am, but I am only uncertain because he hesitated. “What if you get mad at me and don’t want to see me again?”
“I’ll always want to see my Benny.” Feeding into his fantasy, I wrap my arms around his neck and continue, “We can rent an apartment. Maybe two rooms. I’ll have mine, and you will have yours.”
I don’t tell him I’ll spend all my time in his room and his hoodies.
“We will share a kitchen, living room. I don’t know yet. We will figure something out.”
Ben offers me that smile reserved for his Gracie. “Yes, I like that idea. You will have to sleep in my room, though, and even if you are mad at me, just talk to me, okay?” I nod again. “You can’t go to bed mad at me. I’ll never go to bed mad at you. If I do something you don’t like, tell me.”