He swallows. “Benny. Call me Benny.”

“Okay, Benny.” My hands fall to my sides. I take another breath. “I don’t want to join you.”

Nodding, Ben says, “Okay.” He picks up the flask that must have slipped from my grasp again and offers it to me. I hold it to my chest like it will calm my racing heart. Why won’t he leave? Ben stretches a hand as if to touch me but changes his mind. “Did you change your number?”


“Oh.” He looks genuinely shocked, and I want to smack him. He has turned me into someone violent. “Why?”

“I’m not trying to return to my past, Ben. Leave me alone!”

“Gracie,” he chides. I sniff. I’m losing control of the situation, and I don’t like it. “Will you ever forgive me?”

The question is hardly out of his mouth before I reply, “No.” I didn’t even think it through.

I think his heart breaks at my reply. His blue eyes grow sadder, and he swipes a hand through his hair. I don’t know what to do when he hugs me. I stay still while his arms lock around my waist and his head rests on my shoulder. The urge to comfort him is stronger than ever, but I resist it.

Laughter from behind drags us out of our reverie, and Ben untangles himself from the hug.

“Tessa? Shouldn’t you be swimming? Oh. Who is that?” My head rounds up at the sound of my mother’s voice. Mom puts her phone away and grins. She must think I’m with someone else. She’s convinced a new boyfriend will help me forget Ben. I disagree. Seeing Ben, her expression changes, and she climbs down the remaining stairs in a nanosecond. “Is that…? Ben. Benjamin.”

Finally taking the hint, Ben steps back, and Mom stands beside me. The space shrinks with three of us here, and all I want to do is hide. Concern flashes across her face as she sizes me up. I’ll be okay if Ben leaves. She slides her hand into mine and gives me the ‘are you okay?’ look like Ben is the enemy. Maybe he is. Ben greets her, but she grunts in reply. She has picked her side. Mine.

Mom’s eyes drink me in, and she squeezes my hand. It’s such a simple move, but my heart calms.

“Weren’t you coming up to get something?” she says with a slight jerk of her head upward.

“Yeah,” I breathe out. She’s giving me an escape. I’ll take it. “I forgot my towel.”

“Mrs. Mower,” Ben says. Mom and I share a look. I have no idea what’s going on either, but I am glad she blocks my view of him. “I want to apologize. I’ll do anything to prove I’m sorry.”

It’s too late to apologize.

“There will be no need for any of that, Ben. Come, I’ll walk you downstairs.”

Ben entered the family’s blacklist when he hurt me. No one wants to hear his name. Mom points at the stairs for him to take the lead. He doesn’t. He is too stubborn, and it won’t help him now.

“Please, I want to talk to Gracie,” he says.

My back flattens against the wall, and I release my breath when Mom says, “No.”

“Please, Mrs. Mower.”

Ben’s desperation rings out in the air, and it seems to annoy Mom. She was the one listening to me cry over this boy. Of course she is mad at him. I stare longingly at the stairs. I want to leave, but my feet refuse to function, so I’m forced to listen to them talk about me like I am not here.

“I don’t think she wants to talk to you,” Mom answers on my behalf. She folds her hands behind her. Maybe for me to take it, but I don’t. “You have done enough damage, Ben. Don’t you think so?”

Ben sighs again, and Mom’s back stiffens. “Yeah. I’m sorry about that. I wasn’t really thinking. I… it’s fine. I won’t be bothering her again after today. Can you tell her I love her?” My heart breaks again.I am here, Stupid. Tell me yourself. “And if she ever wants to talk to me, I’m here.”

“Sure will, Ben.”

A moment of hesitation lingers between them. Mom steps aside as if giving me a chance to talk to him, but I don’t speak. I don’t even look up. Yep, I’m a coward.

“Thank you, Mrs. Mower,” Ben finally says and turns to walk away.

When his footsteps have completely faded, Mom spins with a small smile. “That was intense.”

I shrug. “Yeah.”