Page 8 of My Mafia Chauffeur

The colorful and vibrant atmosphere immediately engulfed me as I entered the classroom. The walls were adorned with student artwork, and the desks were arranged in neat rows. The students were all engaged in different activities, some working quietly at their desks and others were huddled together in groups, laughing and sharing ideas.

I spotted my daughter, and as I approached her, I could see the joy on her face when she saw me.

"Daddy!" she squealed and ran towards me. We exchanged a warm embrace.

I took her by the hand out into the hallway and asked what had gone wrong and why she had been caught up in a fight.

'Daddy, Darren jumped the line again," she said. "That’s cheating," she added.

"Darren jumping the line is cheating,” I replied, “but you didn't have to confront him like that. You could say ‘stop cheating’ or report him to your teacher."

She looked like she understood what I was saying but then made a confused face.

"No, Daddy. He doesn't listen, heneverlistens!" she replied defiantly.

"Sweetie, youmusttell your teacher and avoid trouble at all times. You have to let the teacher know when Darren or others cheat, not fight with them," I emphasized.

"Okay, Daddy," she said.

"You promise?"

"Yes. I want to go home with you now," she said.

"I'm at work, honey. I can't do that," I told her.

"But, Daddy, I don't want to stay in class anymore."


"Darren has been showing everyone his arm and pointing at me," she cried.

I looked at one of her band-aided fingers and sighed.

"Okay, let me see what I can arrange with Mrs. Tom. Just please don't do that again, Amanda. Do not fight anyone. Daddy is not going to be happy if you do," I said to her.

I dialed Mrs. Tom's number to ask if she could take in my daughter a little earlier today. It took her a few minutes to get back to me but the sweet soul agreed.Oh, Mrs. Tom. What would I do without you?

"Go get your bags together while I talk to your teacher," I told Amanda, watching her hurriedly return to class.

I approached her teacher and let her know the plan. She agreed and said I could take her out early.

I watched my daughter wave at her friends and come to me.

On the way, my daughter made us visit the cake shop, and we also had to pick up food. As we drove, my daughter chatted away. Then, I handed her to Mrs. Tom, and she waved me off.

A short hour later I was pulling up to the entrance of Laura’s gated community. I signaled to the security guard, and he nodded and let me enter. I pulled over in front of Laura's house and attempted to open the gate, but this time it was locked. Of course, it would be.

I decided to buzz the intercom, hoping that Laura would hear it and come to let me in, but after several attempts, there was no answer. I cursed under my breath, wondering what to do next. I was on time. Why was no one there?

Feeling frustrated, I thought about calling her on my phone, but I didn’t have her number. So I resorted to calling James instead.

"What?" James answered.

"I found no one at this location," I replied.

"What do you mean?" he barked.

"I'm at Laura’s place. No one is here to receive the delivery," I replied through my gritted teeth.