Page 50 of My Mafia Chauffeur

"You’re a dead man!" I launched myself at him, knocking him down as I began to punch him in the face. He winced and tried to roll me over, grazing my arm with his knife in the process. But my body was pumped with adrenaline, and I pinned him to the ground easily, his knife popping out of his hand and landing near me. I picked up the knife. I could have killed him at that moment, but I held off. Amanda and all the kids were in danger. He needed to fix it. He needed to stop it.

"What the fuck?" James snarled. "You will pay for this!"

"Call them off now, James! Tell them to stop!" I barked as I sat on top of him, pointing his own knife in his face.

"Son, get off of him." That was when I realized the boss was in the room too.

“James sent his men to my daughter’s school, sir. They are threatening to kill everyone. Call them off, please… please," my anger turned into frustration and then desperation as I turned towards the boss. "There's not much time."

The boss addressed James, "We nevertouch our brothers. Order your men to stand down, James," he said calmly.

"Boss, that wasn't—" James was interrupted by the boss.

"Now," he growled at him.

James stood up slowly and then dialed his phone, muttering a few words to someone at the other end. "They’re leaving now," he said and took a seat.

I called Faith, and she picked up right away.

"They left, James."

"No one was injured? Is anything wrong with anyone? Is Amanda okay?

"They are all fine. The students were already hiding when they started the violence. Anthony, we should call the police. I'm scared."

"It's over now, Faith. And it won't happen again, I promise," I reassured her and hung up.

My heart was still racing. The thought of my daughter being in danger had me shaking with anger and fear. But for now, it seemed like everything was under control. The boss's appearance had caught me off guard, and I realized that I was still bleeding from the arm wound. I tried to hide it, but he had already noticed.

"You are dismissed now, Anthony," the boss said, his voice stern. "I will call you back later when I need you. Get one of the guys to treat the arm and stay around."

I nodded, feeling embarrassed that I had let my emotions get the best of me. As I turned to leave, I glanced at the mess I had made in the boss's office. I held my injured arm close to my body, trying to hide the blood that was still oozing out.

As I stepped out into the foyer, Tank was waiting for me. He must have been concerned when he saw me run inside. He took me to a bedroom on the upper level of the house, far from the earshot of the other guys, and went back downstairs to get a first aid kit. I sat down on the edge of the bed, still trying to process everything that had just happened.

When Tank came back, he began cleaning my arm. It stung as he poured alcohol over the wound, but I gritted my teeth and tried to focus on his words.

"What the fuck happened in there, Anthony? I thought you were supposed to use your head in these situations," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I couldn't help it, Tank. James sent guys to where I had been keeping my daughter safe. Somehow, he found her. They threatened to kill everyone. Kids, Tank. Little kids!" I said, my voice cracking with emotion.

He paused for a minute, gazing at me with sympathy in his eyes before resuming wrapping my arm.

"Sorry about that, Anthony," he said, his voice low. I nodded in acknowledgment, grateful for his concern.

"Thank you," I said, feeling some sense of relief. It was good to know that someone understood and had my back.

I called Faith back, needing to hear her voice again. I wanted to be sure that the atmosphere was okay and that my daughter was safe. As I spoke with her, I also heard Christine's voice in the background. I asked Faith to pass the phone to her.

"Anthony, I heard what your colleagues did. They came here and created a mess," she said, her voice laced with concern.

"It's all sorted out now, Christine. It won't happen again," I assured her.

"Anthony, should I take Amanda somewhere else?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Christine, no. This is settled. This is the only safe place for her now. They won’t go there again," I said, trying to sound as confident as possible.

"Okay, but please tell me if you need help," she said, her voice softening.