Page 44 of My Mafia Chauffeur

She shook her head, a playful smile on her lips.

"Yes, but no."

I chuckled, knowing there was no arguing with her.

"Alright, baby, I trust you. You’ll find something," I said as I backed up towards the bathroom, my eyes lingering on her figure as she continued to search through her closet. As I closed the door, I could hear her muttering to herself, still indecisive about what to wear.

As I got dressed, I felt more at peace with the difficult tasks I had in store for me that day. Watching Laura get ready for work gave me confidence and strength, and it was a reminder of how lucky I was to have her in my life. As I slipped on my shirt, I caught a glimpse of her in the mirror, her figure outlined in the soft light of the room. She looked stunning, and I couldn't resist the urge to wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close.

"I have to go," I said, dropping a kiss on her hair.

"I thought your meeting wasn’t until 4 p.m.," she implored, her eyes meeting mine in the mirror.

"Yes, but there's a lot to sort out with Amanda today," I replied, my voice low and serious.

Laura's face lit up at the mention of Amanda.

"You're seeing Amanda today?" she asked a hint of excitement in her voice.

I nodded. "Tell her I said ‘Hi’," she added, a smile spreading across her face.

"You should have told me,” she continued, “I wanted to send her some things too. You're leaving right now? Maybe I could grab them and meet you there if you text me the address," she suggested eagerly.

"Laura, you might see Amanda every day after I meet with your father. Both of you will have time for all of this. I will let her know you said ‘Hi’," I said, trying to reassure her.

She smiled at me, and her gesture warmed my heart.

"Okay, have a good day," she said, giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

As I pulled into the boarding school, the tires of my car crunching against the gravel entry road, I quickly reached for my phone to send a message to Christine's friend. I watched as the text message was marked delivered, my heart racing with anticipation. A few minutes later, I saw her—a tall, elegant woman with dark flowing hair moving gracefully towards me.

"Anthony," she called out, her voice sweet and melodic.

I stepped out of the car and walked towards her, feeling a little apprehensive. As she approached, she extended her hand in greeting, and I shook it firmly.

"Faith," she said, introducing herself.

I was momentarily taken aback, wondering if she was a missionary or some sort of religious zealot. But then she smiled, and I relaxed a little.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Faith," I said, following her lead as she led the way into the school grounds.

As we walked, Faith began to explain a little about the school, which had apparently been established recently. But I wasn't really paying attention. I was scanning the playground, trying to catch a glimpse of my daughter.

"Amanda has been good," Faith continued, interrupting my thoughts. "They're all at the playground right now."

I nodded, not really listening, and continued to scan the playground. Then Faith stopped and called out to my daughter, and I saw her. My heart leaped as I watched her climbing a set of metal bars in competition with her friends, all giggles and grins.

For a moment, I was worried that she might not recognize me, that she might have forgotten about me already. But when she heard Faith's voice, her head whipped around, and she saw me—her face lighting up with recognition.

"Daddy!" she squealed, dropping to the ground from the metal bars. I felt my heart lurch as she hit the ground, but she was up in an instant, running towards me.

I scooped her up in my arms, feeling her warm, little body against mine. For a moment, all the worries and doubts that had been gnawing at me disappeared and were replaced by a sense of overwhelming love and joy.

"I’ve missed you so much, Amanda," I said, holding her tightly.

"I missed you too, Daddy," she said, snuggling into my embrace.

Faith motioned for us to follow her, and I held Amanda’s hand as we headed towards the main building and into Faith’s office. As I entered the office, I immediately noticed that it was adorned with various student art projects, ranging from pencil drawings to colorful paintings. The walls were coated in bright colors as well, making the room look lively and warm. It was clear that Faith had a passion for children, and her office reflected that.