“The Antonov Bratva has taken everything from us,” Salkov hisses. “Our territory, our businesses, ourmoney. And it’s all locked away securely behind a firewallyoudesigned.”

Levitsky claps me on the shoulder. “You’re going to steal it back from your brothers,” he says. The lightness in his tone is jarring. “We have it on good authority that the Antonov Bratva’s illicit funds have been spread out across several hundred different accounts in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, Singapore, and Germany. You, my boy, are going to work day and night until we have taken back every last cent.”

Everything suddenly clicks into place. No wonder they decided to come after me and not my brothers. They know as well as I do that, I’m the key to their fortunes. Mikhail and Dimitri may run the business side of things, but I’m the one making sure nothing can be traced. Coming after me is the fastest and easiest way to cripple my brothers—without having to put themselves directly in their line of fire.

I shake my head in partial disbelief. “That could take months.”

Konstantin clicks his tongue. “We have plenty of time.”

“What if I refuse?”

Levitsky throws his head back and laughs. “Oh, that’s very simple.” He turns toward one of the street-facing windows and waves at one of the guards on standby. With a quick nod, the guard opens the backdoor to one of the SUVs and drags someone out by the hair.

Whatever mildly cool and collected exterior I’ve been managing to fake suddenly slips. Even bloodied and bruised, I recognize her in an instant.


I swallow hard, my mouth unbearably dry. “Who the fuck is that?” I ask, feigning ignorance. “If you’re going to try and blackmail me, at least pick someone who matters.”

Salkov titters. “Oh,so you don’t care if we blow her brains out? Fine, let’s just get rid of her and—” She gestures out the window at the same guard. He pulls his gun from his holster and points it at Dani’s temple.

“Stop!” I exclaim in a rush.

Salkov waves the guard off. Dani’s safe for now. They’ve called my bluff.

“Let her go,” I grumble. “She’s got nothing to do with this.”

“Quite the contrary,” Konstantin says. “We’ve been watching this location for some time. We know how…closethe two of you have become as of late.”

“She’s an agent with the FBI. If you take her, you’re going to bring down the wrath of the Feds.”

Konstantin shrugs. “We’ll take our chances.”


I’m at my wit’s end here. No matter what I do or say, I don’t think there’s a way out of this. If I don’t do exactly as they ask, they’ll kill me—or worse, they’ll kill Dani. I don’t know where my brothers are at the moment, but I seriously doubt they’ll arrive in time to rescue us.

The fact that they don’t want to kill me right away is a small comfort, but I have to play my cards right. I wasn’t lying when I said locating and taking from the Antonov Bratva’s offshore accounts would take months. If I’m careful, I’ll be able to bide my time and come up with a plan of escape. All I know is that refusing The Trinity outright is a death sentence.

I either go as a willing prisoner, or they shoot me where I stand.

“Let her go and I’ll come with you,” I say. “No harm comes to her.”

My uncle watches me with his cold, dead eyes. It’s a wonder the man even has the strength to lift his head. He’s so old and decrepit. Why does a man on Death’s doorstep need revenge this badly? Is avenging his bruised pride really worth all this trouble?

“She’s coming with us,” Konstantin tells me. “No harm will come to her so long as you do exactly as we say.”

I grit my teeth so hard my molars squeak. The sound vibrates through my skull and down my spine, causing goosebumps to trail in its wake. They’re using Dani against me. A bargaining chip to keep me in line. Her safety is only guaranteed as long as I remain compliant. What the fuck else am I supposed to do, sayno?

“Fine,” I mutter under my breath. “Whatever you say.”

Salkov digs her claws into my shoulder and gives me a hard shove toward the door. “Move it.”

It feels like a death march, the distance between the safehouse and the waiting vehicles the longest trek I’ve ever had to endure. As I draw closer, I can see the true extent of Dani’s injuries. I’m livid. I don’t know what happened, but it’s clear she’s been through the ringer. She’s covered in all kinds of scratches and harsh bruises. Blood stains her skin, her clothes, is matted in her hair. I approach her cautiously, reaching out slowly to cup her face.

“Did they do this to you?” I seethe.

“L-Luka… What’s—”