“A little late for formalities, isn’t it?” I take another step forward, forcing her to press her hand against my chest. I dip low to murmur in her ear. “Especially after the way you’ve been moaning my name the past couple of days.”

Dani’s face goes beet red. “You’re insane.”

“I prefer the term mad genius.”

“You’re going to want to tone down that ego of yours.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“You know none of that was real, right?” she asks pointedly. “Don’t fool yourself into thinking it meant anything.”

I take another step forward. She doesn’t push me away. The way her eyes flit down to my lips is nothing short of a thrill.

“I’m sure you’re right,” I mutter. Slowly, I lower my head so there’s barely a breath between us. The tips of our noses bump, our lips hovering a whisper away. Dani lifts her chin instinctively, expectant. “It meant absolutely nothing,” I follow up, turning away and leaving her in the lurch. I’m close enough I can hear her breath hitch.

She’s such a cute little liar.

“So,” I say as I start toward the window. The venetian blinds are down, but angled in such a way that I can still see out into the front yard. It’s a quiet neighborhood. No cars in any of the driveways tells me everyone’s gone to work. A couple of sprinklers are chugging away, all set on separate timers to water lawns. “How long do you think it’s going to take for you to catch these guys?”

Dani clears her throat, rubbing the back of her neck. She carries her tension in her shoulders, her whole body wound up like a spring ready to be released at any moment. “That depends.”


“How much information you give me.”

“I’ve already told you everything I know.”

“Yes, but not about your brothers.”

I glance at her over my shoulder. “Whataboutmy brothers?”

“You know for a fact they’re the real ones I’m after.”

“I’m giving you three of Russia’s most notorious gangsters.”

“Yes, and their names are Mikhail, Dimitri, and Pyotr.”

I cross my arms, somewhat perturbed, but I don’t allow it to show. “I’m not playing games here, Dani.”

“Agent Harper,” she corrects. “And I know you’re not. That’s why, if you care at all for your safety, you’ll give me the evidence I need to indict your brothers.”

“That’s not what we agreed to.”

Dani crosses her arms, too, mimicking me. I want to kiss that smug grin right off her face. “Things change, Mr. Antonov. You want FBI protection, be worth protecting. This is my domain. What I say goes. And right now, I say you need to turn in your brothers if you want to make it out alive.”

I stare at her, then click my tongue in disappointment.

“I’ll take my chances, then,” I say, heading straight to the front door.

Dani follows me hastily. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“If my safety hinges on me betraying my family, I’d rather get shot out on the streets.”

“Come back, Antonov—”

She grabs me by the shoulder. I spin around, tripping over her feet. We both go tumbling, colliding against the carpeted floor in a tangle of arms and legs. She’s pinned beneath me, the warmth of her body sparking a dark, ravenous fire deep within my core.

Her hair comes undone and spills over her shoulders. The she looks up at me, pupils wide and mouth parted just so, her brows knitted together in anticipation and anguish, like it physically hurtsnotto have my lips on hers.