I groan when I see the address. “Sorry, Gomez. It looks like all your hard work has gone to waste.”

“What? Why?”

I drag my fingers through my hair. “Apparently, he wants to take me clubbing.”

Chapter 10


Ichanged locations on her at the last minute to keep her team guessing. I can’t afford to be predictable with her. If they think I’m going to let them get the drop on me, they’ve got another think coming.

The club is loud. Loud and chaotic and most certainlynotan ideal location for eavesdropping. The place is crammed with a rambunctious Friday night crowd, people squished shoulder to shoulder on the dance floor. The club is relatively dark, save for the light up floors and the DJ’s impressively disorienting laser show—an added bonus to keep any of Dani’s lookouts from having a clear visual on us.

My phone buzzes.

Where are you? I’m at the bar.

My eyes find her easily, like a moth to a flame.

She’s hard to miss with her sexy burgundy dress and knee-high boots. The color of the fabric compliments her pale complexion and dark raven locks, framing her face in a way that makes her dark eyes twice as mesmerizing.

My gut tells me to go to her. I’m not the only man in this joint eyeing her up. From where I stand, hidden in one of the darker corners of the establishment, I have the perfect vantage point to see the two guys at their booth helping themselves to a good look. A particularly gruff man stands a few paces away, outright staring at Dani without a hint of social awareness.

The only reason I was hanging back in the first place was to see if she was being followed. It’d be immensely helpful to know how big her team is, if she has any back up, so on and so forth. It was never my intention for her to attract so many eyes. But now that I’m sure she came alone, something protective climbs up my spine. I need to ward these freaks off before things have a chance to get out of hand.

I make my way through the crowd, slipping between heated bodies gyrating to the beat of the music. I get to Dani just in time to ward off Mr. Crazy Eyes, placing my hand on the small of her back and myself between them. I’m not sure what my face is doing, but it’s enough to get him to fuck right off.

“Oh!” Dani exclaims, breaking into a brilliant smile. She has to shout to be heard over the music. “There you are! I was looking for you!”

Instead of answering her, I take her hand and drag Dani onto the dance floor. This really isn’t my scene, but she doesn’t know that. The only reason I picked this place was because I’m not keen on having her lackeys spying on us.

I know she got a hold of my phone last night because Ilether. It’s a blink and you’ll miss it sort of thing, the application so well hidden it took me almost half an hour to find it. It wasn’t until I got home and dove into the phone’s coding that I was able to find it. Her mirroring program is up and running without a hitch, thanks to the alcohol and the addicting way she moved.

“Do you think we could go somewhere quieter?” she asks, her voice all but drowned out by the sounds of the club. “I was hoping to get to know you a little bit more.”

I pull her flush against me, my arms snaking around her waist. I’m sure she’dloveto get me alone and pick my brain, but right now, I need to feel the way her body moves. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the taste of her lips and the sound of her soft moans. I tell myself it was a one-off, that I was caught by surprise and nothing more. That’s the only reason why I was so affected. But, as a man of science, I’d like a repeat performance to see if my hypothesis stands true.

Dani goes with the flow, unperturbed and almost enthusiastic when I drag us further into the crowd. We’re surrounded by people, but they’re nothing more than faceless blobs in my peripheral vision. She’s the only one I see, the only one I care to look at. When Dani circles my neck with her arms, she pulls in close enough to kiss, her gaze dark and heady. When her eyes flick down to my lips, something hot and bright ignites deep within me.

“You’re a surprisingly good dancer,” she says against my lips. It’s not quite a kiss, just the whisper of one.

My hands have a mind of their own, trailing down to settle on her hips. Dani doesn’t need much coaxing. It’s almost as if she’s reading my mind. She turns and backs into me, swaying lazily from side to side, grinding her peachy ass against my crotch. She smells fucking divine, her skin so warm it’s enough to knock all sense from my head.

I don’t realize I’m under her spell until Dani reaches down to take my hands, wrapping my arms around her. I breathe her in, dipping down to press a kiss to the crook of her neck. I can’t help myself. This hold she has on me… I don’t know how to fight it. I’m more than a little aware of who she is and what she’s trying to do, but I still feel my resolve slipping.

Dani is dangerous and Ilikeit. There’s nothing more thrilling than this game of cat and mouse—only I’m not sure who’s who at this point.

We’re alone in the dark together, moving to our own rhythm while the rest of the world blurs. Dani guides my hand up to her breast, tilting her head back to rest against my shoulder. Pleasure blooms inside me, hungry and desperate. The sound of her moan goes straight to my cock, encouraging my greedy fingers to give her breast a good squeeze.


Fuck. The way she says my name should be illegal. She makes it sound like sheactuallyneeds me. She’s so convincing it’s almost a little cruel.

I’m so lost in the way she moves I almost don’t notice the creepy staring guy from earlier. He’s standing a few feet away, just…watching. It takes a lot to freak me out, but this guy is single handedly raising all the alarm bells in my head. What the fuck is this guy’s problem? And why is he looking at Dani that way?

I must stiffen because Dani turns and gives me a questioning look. “What’s wrong?”

When I look back up, Crazy Eyes is already gone. A chill runs down my spine.